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Benefits vs working

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person on benfits has housing benefit, coucil tax, water rates paid for..roof over your head sorted! dental fees, optician fees and prescriptions paid for. No worries there.. ECT ECT ppl on benefits BENIFIT. Whereas some one working....


On minimum wage working 5 days a week full time who CAnnot afford any luxuries such as, eating out, buying new clothes, pictures, pub.basically has no social life. CANNOT even afford to move out of home they share with their parents and put too with thier partner to rent accomodation,bearing in mind they both work and have no children.If you cnt afford to move out at 25 when will it be possible? What or where is it going wrong? :mad:


You ignore the benefits that low-paid people can get - working tax credits as well as part council tax and housing benefit. Water rates aren't paid for by the state specifically by the way. It's not all doom and gloom working. People will generally be better off working although not always by much.

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You need to add your personal tax allowance to that figure - somewhere in the region of £8k. This means that you're up to £42k (just over) before you hit the 40% rate.


Also, I'll have to double check on this but once you get above a certain income (think it's the 40% tax threshold), although you pay the 40% tax on earnings above that income - you don't pay the full National insurance contributions.


Thanks for that, I'm not too hot on all the tax stuff. I just know that there is a big differance between someone earning 42K and 158K. I guess as the allowace at the bottom has increased they have therefore lowered the amount when you get taxed at 40%....swings and roundabout comes to mind!


I have never managed to work out how NI is worked out. So you don't pay as much NI if you managed to get a job that earns 43K? What is the discount? Seems odd to charge people earning less more NI but people earning more pay less NI but pays more tax. :confused:

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I think you've misunderstood - the main benefits that most people get from working are indeed self-respect, dignity, a degree of independence and social inclusion.


Money is not a motivation to work. This has been well documented. People often volunteer it as the main or only reason to work, but it isn't. There are far more powerful motivations to work than money.

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Reality check here. If a couple both work full time (37.5 hours) and pool their incomes, even on minimum wage they could afford to rent independently. After tax and NI between them they'd bring home around £1630 a month. There are brand new flats advertised at around £400 a month, so they'd have over £1200 a month to live on. Even after council tax, and prescription charges they'd be better off than on JSA.


I agree to an extent with Evei about tax bands, I don't think anyone should pay tax on less than £10k a year.


Working isn't just about money. You mention independence and self respect. They are important, as is self development, and opportunities for promotion (which leads to more money and more choices).


Not on national minimum wage they wouldn't - we don't get much more that that and we're both on well over £8 an hour and national minimum wage is over the threshold for benefits unless you have children so full rent and council tax

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It would seam that everyone on benefits is an easy target,why not have a go at the people that fiddle tax,you dont know peoples circumstances for the reason some are on benefit,typical daily fail comments.

How many of the top earners and icons of society actualy pay tax in this country .


Its marvelous what an address in the Cayman isles, Isle of Man, Switzerland or Jersey can do for you if you are a multi millionare.


Apart from that I agree that the chuck pots that will not LOOK for work need throwing of the benifit system.

We definatley should also sort out the economic

migrants from Eastern Europe and else where who have been imposed on us by this so called E.E.C.

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Many people forget about the cost of working, workers will need some clothing that the unemployed don’t need, suits, shirts, ties, Ect. All taxed, many workers will need a car because public transport doesn’t always go where you need to be or takes too long to get there, running a car that in many cases is only used to get to work is heavily taxed. You can easily spend £50 of your already taxed income just on fuel to get to work and many workers pay much more than that just for the privilege of working. My kids still live with us because they can’t afford to leave, unless they each have a child and then everything becomes affordable. A child would mean they would get, housing benefits, child tax credits, working tax credits, child benefits, and child care costs paid for.

Obviously a young worker living at home with parents is better off than a young unemployed person living with their parents.

But a young person working and living at home with unemployed parents would affect their parent’s benefits and in some cases put them off working.

The best route to a house at a young age is to have a child.:(

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I dont think people on benefits are better off.

I understand the view that they get rent paid for um council tax etc but still it just isnt enough for me people dont seem to work out all the expenses related to daily living.

Ie a single person gets around £100 every fortnight on the dole if they be cautious £10 each on gas and electric at least £30 on shopping about another £10 on travelling to the job centre to sign on and about another £15 on daily top ups such as bread, milk, etc thats £25 a fortnight to live on that works out at just £1.78 a day to live with you cannot even get on the bus for that much one way.

I think the main problem is people dont live by there means i mean for example a few months ago i was really stressed and kinda got myself into thinking the only reason i work is because i want self respect, dignity etc purely because i was sick of getting to the end of month and having nothing left i looked at it and couldnt really see where my wages were relocating themselfes too.

So i broke it down took a journal of the things i spent money on and theres no other way to say it i spent a massive amount of money on rubbish ie bottles of pop when i had some at home, takeaways because i couldnt be bothered to cook, food that i bought because it looked nice but never got round to eating etc so the next month i cut it all out watched what i was spending and it really was a nice surprise because for once id got a nice amount to play with.


Sometimes i think we need to lay off the system and looks at our means on matters

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