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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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harvey19 seems to be applying the same logic as an Islamic state would in denying a woman from taking part in sports.


Women are not as physically strong as men, they are different in this respect, so they should not take part in any sports.

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Then i will elaborate.I don't believe in gay marriage in a church.Only in a civil ceremony.


That's contrary to what you said before, previously you said that it should be up to the church (congregation or priest I assume you meant).

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So you think that a liberal Church, unaffiliated with your Church or a Church that thinks homosexuality is a sin, that wants to marry gay couples shouldn't be allowed to. Why? Aren't you just simply imposing your beliefs, or the beliefs of your faith, onto those of another faith?


I see where you're coming from.

I'm stuck here i don't really know,about all other churches,its just CofE catholic and methodist i am aware of,and it appears those three are divided within their churches.

I would not attempt to impose my beliefs on any of them.As for sin,well thats questionable?

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This question has been answered multiple times, no they are not the same.


How do you believe that this is related to your argument and why would the difference make discrimination okay?

I despair.

At least we were in agreement on the housing thread.

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Nothing homophobic or discriminate in the reasoning and it is quite pathetic to drag it down to unwarranted name calling.


Of course it's discriminatory, the word specifically means treating people differently due to some innate difference. It's supposition that it's based on homophobia, but there's certainly no rational reason to support any kind of discrimination based on sexuality.

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Completely wrong.

Please read my earlier reasons.

In short I am all for homosexuals joining together in a lifelong legal union the same as hetrosexuals.

But a man and woman relationship, because they are different genders is different to an homosexual union between 2 people of the same gender.

The hetrosexual couple can reproduce whilst the homosexual one cannot.

Therefore different unions are appropriate for different types of couples.

It has nothing to do with sexual preferences but the gender differences and consequences of this.


So marriage for you equates to procreation, nothing more nothing less.

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I am offended when some do not show respect for others and indulge in childish name calling.

I am beginning to despair at some of your posts.


I've been despairing at yours for some time. It's like arguing with my niece, she just sticks her fingers in her ears and states what she believes more loudly.

Respect though is something that has to be earned, and I'm afraid that I have little respect for religion or the religious and non at all for the position you are trying to defend.

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