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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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When in the course of your day does your sexuality ever be enduired about?


It doesn't, and I certainly don't go around yelling at everybody "by the way, I'm straight. Deal with it!" ....but I frequently refer to my wife in casual conversation, simply because most of my days and most of the things I do, involve her in some way. Similarly, my cousin frequently refers to his partner in casual conversation, for the same reasons.


Are you arguing that I should not refer to my wife because it reveals that I'm straight, and that my cousin should never refer to his civil partner because it reveals that he is gay? I suspect not, that would be silly. In which case, what I really want is for you to clarify your position of "sexuality should be a private thing."

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That's a circular argument. You can't claim that they should be called different things because they are called different things!


If a civil partnership is equivalent to a marriage, there is no sane reason not to call it a marriage.


when my dear friends kev and gary got 'civil partnershipped' - no one said that, kev and gazza got MARRIED, if anyone thinks that offends their god, or the ex nazi head of their bigoted church who wore a swastika whilst gays went into gas chambers, then tough - get over it - pope benedict can offer an opinion when all the nonces in his crew are handed over to the police.


some people are gay - get used to it

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. In which case, what I really want is for you to clarify your position of "sexuality should be a private thing."


You know very well what I mean, from your previous answer. Grown men dont need to know, we can tell very well for ourselves what a person is, and rebuff them. Younger men may be misled.

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I'm sure there's all sorts of things you have strong opinions on that dont actually have any direct effect on your life.


I'm sure there are. There are certainly plenty of people on this forum willing to ask him the reasons for those opinions and force him to consider whether they are justified, or merely unreasonable prejudices.


Certainly there is no reason why he shouldn't subject dueattension the same treatment. If dueattension's opinions are justified, he will have no problem in responding.

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I'm sure there's all sorts of things you have strong opinions on that dont actually have any direct effect on your life.


Of course I do. If I were to state one and you asked me why, I would give a reason that provided an answer that is relevant to your question.


All I got from dueattension was some gobbledegook about marriage being "under attack".

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Of course I do. If I were to state one and you asked me why, I would give a reason that provided an answer that is relevant to your question.


All I got from dueattension was some gobbledegook about marriage being "under attack".


You were asking that poster if gays getting married had any direct effect on his life, implying that if not his objection to it is somehow invalid.

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What do want me to say?

I dont get this.


quote: "Sexuality should be a private thing, and not shoved in everyone's face."


All I'm asking is that you clarify your meaning of "shoved in everyone's face" and explain how it's relevant to the concept of gay marriage.

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