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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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quote: "Sexuality should be a private thing, and not shoved in everyone's face."


All I'm asking is that you clarify your meaning of "shoved in everyone's face" and explain how it's relevant to the concept of gay marriage.


I think it means be ashamed, stay closeted, as tom robinson said (30 years ago) 'lie to your workmates, lie to your filks, put down the queens, tell anti queer jokes...' he went on to say 'sing if you're glad to be gay..' which was radical at the time - I think it's finally sunk in except for some bigots and catholics

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Why the need to talk about it? It's quite clear.

The Bible Condemns It!


No need to say any more- the answer is clear





















It is clear that the bible is outdated hogwash written by a bunch of delusional blokes in times both long gone and long irrelevant.

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I have thus far successfully managed to restrain myself from

posting on this thread, anyway, here goes. The Catholic Curch is a loathsome institution, morally bankrupt, riddled with corruption, hypocrisy, rampant homophobia, paedophilia and misogyny; totally out of touch with reality and the reality of many of its adherents. Cardinal O'Bigot Brien's comments are, in my view, disgraceful and in 21st century Britain, intolerable.


Marriage is something that takes place outside religion, in the city hall for example, it's a legal thing as much as it is a religious thing.


Quite. I had a marriage ceremony in a registry office yet am still considered to be married.

The way the Catholic Church has endeavoured to encourage it's membership to lobby on various political matters recently makes it seem more like a political party than a religion. Perhaps it is time to question the Church's charitable status.

Indeed. Furthermore, a political party coming out with some of the stuff that these men in robes do, would be hauled over the coals.


Right, am going to get off that fence now.:hihi:

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I'm not sure how that relates to this thread - unless, that is, you are arguing that nobody should be allowed to be married, because introducing their wife/husband/partner is an explicit announcement of their sexual preference?


that's class!!!

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I'm sorry to have to say this but the sight of two men kissing each other on the lips turns my stomach. I wish it didn't, because I'm normally tolerant of people who are diffferent from me. I don't care if they want to get married or not.Just don't kiss in front of me cos I'm lkely to throw up on your nice suit.

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I'm sorry to have to say this but the sight of two men kissing each other on the lips turns my stomach. I wish it didn't, because I'm normally tolerant of people who are diffferent from me. I don't care if they want to get married or not.Just don't kiss in front of me cos I'm lkely to throw up on your nice suit.


As it does mine; but that's my problem, and your problem, not theirs. They have to put up with straight couples kissing in public; we have to put up with gay couples doing the same, or, we have to outlaw all public displays of affection.

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There was a green party lady on the Andrew Marr show who said I can not belive in this day and age we are still talking about this? Gay marriage.

My question is what has this day and age got to do with right or wrong. And second just because she holds a certain standpoint why should she ridicule anyone wanting to discuss a opposite view

My view is marriage is God given and it's not for governments to change

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