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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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That link is priceless :hihi: Thanks for that!


The link made me laugh, quite loud, as it states that lesbians' blood is also risky, as they have sex with men.


Oh My flipping goodness. way to switch your brain off! if they are a lesbian, then they don't tend to go with men. A bisexual woman might go with both men and women, but a lesbian would not.


It's an absolute, incontrovertible fact that lesbians are the least likely group to come into contact with HIV.

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Also, the reason why straight people have contracted it is due to the government making it legal for gays to give blood, so you could argue that gays are directly or indirectly responsible for virtually all cases of HIV or AIDS.


No, you are completely and utterly wrong in that premise. The reason why people have been infected by HIV in blood products is that, Historically, in places like the US, blood donors are paid for donating their blood. Drug addicts, craving their fix sell their infected blood. The products like factor 8 (For haemophiliacs) is extracted, and sold to places like the UK, where people contracted the infection of HIV.


It's nothing to do with being Gay. If you want to blame any group for the spread of this condition look at the intravenous drug users who share needles.

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No, you are completely and utterly wrong in that premise. The reason why people have been infected by HIV in blood products is that, Historically, in places like the US, blood donors are paid for donating their blood. Drug addicts, craving their fix sell their infected blood. The products like factor 8 (For haemophiliacs) is extracted, and sold to places like the UK, where people contracted the infection of HIV.


It's nothing to do with being Gay. If you want to blame any group for the spread of this condition look at the intravenous drug users who share needles.


So what you're saying in this and your other posts is that all gays are perfect and every problem in the world is caused by those evil straight people spreading disease and blaming it on gays. What a bizarre twisted worldview you have!

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So what you're saying in this and your other posts is that all gays are perfect and every problem in the world is caused by those evil straight people spreading disease and blaming it on gays. What a bizarre twisted worldview you have!


No, I'm saying that gay people are just the same as anyone else, and should have the same rights, as other consenting adults to legally love and marry whom they wish.


if anyone has a bizarre world-view it's yourself.

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So what you're saying in this and your other posts is that all gays are perfect and every problem in the world is caused by those evil straight people spreading disease and blaming it on gays. What a bizarre twisted worldview you have!


Can you show where that was said?


If not then I'm going to say that you're lying, which isn't a great way to forward your point (if you actually have one).

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So what you're saying in this and your other posts is that all gays are perfect and every problem in the world is caused by those evil straight people spreading disease and blaming it on gays. What a bizarre twisted worldview you have!


Umm, no.


They are saying that the spread of HIV via blood products is (largely) due to needle sharing drug addicts. They aren't saying that Gay's are perfect at all.

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Also, the reason why straight people have contracted it is due to the government making it legal for gays to give blood, so you could argue that gays are directly or indirectly responsible for virtually all cases of HIV or AIDS.


well, in black and white:-


The majority of people actually diagnosed with HIV in the UK in 2010 (50%) had been infected through heterosexual sex, 31% of those infected heterosexually were black African and the majority (68%) of these people had probably acquired HIV overseas.


However, the numbers of heterosexual HIV infections that were probably acquired here in the UK have been rising steadily in the last decade- from 320 in 2001 to 1,090 in 2010, a more than three fold increase.

Looking at all HIV infections acquired within the UK, this figure now exceeds those acquired abroad. UK infections have increased from 1,950 in 2001 to 3,640 in 2010, almost double.


Needle exchange programmes have been very effective, and new diagnoses of HIV infection acquired through injecting drug use (160 in 2010) have remained low. It is also possible for the virus to be passed from mother to baby during pregnancy but improvements to antenatal HIV testing and treatments make this increasingly rare. In the past, some people also got HIV through blood products but in the UK this is now extremely rare. Since the introduction of testing for HIV in 1985, there have been three cases of transmission of the virus to patients through blood from donors.

(Source:- Terence Higgins Trust)

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well, in black and white:-


As the source of your "statistics" is the Terence Higgins Trust, a gay rights pressure group, I think it's fair to say that those figures are at best misleading and at worst lies. Can you provide an impartial link to support your arguments?

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Gay relationships are qualitatively different from straight relationships. they understand sex differently; they have a different model for what partners means to them and their places in our lives. The fundamental model of marriage that most heterosexuals embrace--and famously proclaim as "family values"--just doesn't apply to them.


Heterosexual marriage is based around the emotional attractions of the opposite poles of the male-female polarity. This is about the complementarity of the organs of reproduction. The emotional bonding of man and woman fills the missing half of each in order to create the one whole being which then gives birth to new life. Heterosexual marriage is about bonding at the level of reproduction and subsequent creation of a nest and household in which to raise children.


The model of the family is traditionally hierarchical and structured. The male and female partners have roles specified for them by their sexual function in the relationship.


Gay relationships are not based on this kind of attraction at all. Sexual attraction is not about the complementarity of the physical organs. Gay people don't have sex in order to complete a bio-hormonal process.

Gay people don't see their partners as "other halves,"with body parts and traits and gender-defined roles that complete them.


O RLY. gfsfdg

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A major component of the rapid increase over the past 15 years has been heterosexually acquired infection. Up until 1998, the highest number of new HIV infections were acquired through sex between men. However, since 1999 heterosexually acquired HIV has overtaken as the largest exposure category. Heterosexual sex accounted for 42 percent of HIV diagnoses in 2010 and sex between men accounted for 38.5 percent, compared to 1995 when 31 percent were a result of heterosexual sex and 58 percent of new HIV diagnoses resulted from sex between men. Most of the new diagnoses among heterosexuals are in people who probably acquired HIV in other countries, particularly Africa. However, the number of infections probably acquired from heterosexual sex within the UK increased from 157 in 2000 to approximately 416 in 2010.

Source AVERT is an international HIV and AIDS charity, based in the UK, working to avert HIV and AIDS worldwide, through education, treatment and care.

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