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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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Oh don't start that again,1,353 of posters, fighting.

I thought you were a peace loving buddhist. :hihi:




I'm not fighting, I'm just interested in the idea that gay people being married somehow destroys family.


If I have a family, why does my gay friend getting married hurt that family?


I can understand that to some religious people being gay goes against the scriptures of that religion, but even if you were that way inclined surely it is up to God to judge and not the human?


I also think that if a gay couple wish to marry in a church it should be up to the discretion of the particular clergy(wo)man to marry them or not, I don't think performing a marriage should be forced on someone who's scriptures clearly state that homosexuality is wrong unless that person wishes to do so themselves. I think by forcing the clergy to marry gays you get into a quagmire of some people's values being more equal than others.


I think that gay people should be allowed to marry, I also think that if they so wish they should be allowed to marry in church, but only if the presiding clergy are freely willing to perform that ceramony, and if they are not that they step down for that wedding and let a clergyman who is willing perform it instead.


But the idea, the philosophy behind the discussions, that gays getting married somehow harms hetrosexual married couples and their family unit, I don't understand that at all. I'm not fighting Janie, I'm asking, how does a gay couple being married harm/effect/undermine a hetrosexual family unit?

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What a lengthy reply Richard,thats very unusual for you.;)


Iv'e expressed my own views on here in with the odd burst of thunder,I won't repeat them all again.

Anyway I'm feeling gay today( merry that is :banana: ) in the original meaning of the word.

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What a lengthy reply Richard,thats very unusal for you.;)[/Quote]




I like to try and get my point across properly so that there is no misinterpretation later, it doesn't always work :P


Iv'e expressed my own views on here in with the odd burst of thunder,I won't repeat them all again.

Anyway I'm feeling gay today( merry that is :banana: ) in the original meaning of the word.


Sorry Janie but I confess I haven't read the entire thread, I'll go back and have a look at it in more detail when I have time.

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I like to try and get my point across properly so that there is no misinterpretation later, it doesn't always work :P




Sorry Janie but I confess I haven't read the entire thread, I'll go back and have a look at it in more detail when I have time.


Wish you had given me time to correct my spelling error.:hihi:

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I despair at the amount of envy

Envy of what ??? :confused:huh:


and ignoring of sensible arguments that is still being exhibited on this thread.

Saying "marriages are for men and women and it should stay that way" or "Marriage is about sex and procreation" are not sensible arguments and they're certainly not intelligent arguments

Will all the pro marriage groups please have an open mind on the subject and show respect for those who wish to keep the present respected system.

Open about what? You can't get much more open minded about marriage than allowing gays to marry :roll: !

As mentioned before the Gay Rights marche celebrates difference, why not also celebrate the difference in this context ?

I would have thought that a gay rights march would be more about celebrating gay rights

I wonder how many of the pro group hold anti religious views ?

Not me.


Yet another attack on the family, an institution the looney left hate.


What? Are you being serious?

How on Earth does two men or women getting married affect families?

I suppose you think that buying sugar-free gum is an attack on polo mints?

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I've yet to see a sensible argument, the two that have been put forward are the circular one that refers to what marriage currently is and some nonsense about procreation.

Is defending the currently discriminatory system something that deserves respect? I don't think.

Difference can be celebrated, discrimination should be stamped out.

You might be onto something there, those interested in freedom and fairness for all may well be 'anti' towards quite a few major world religions as they discriminate in many ways. Is that relevant though?

I wonder how many of the anti group hold that opinion because their religion tells them that homosexually is a sin?


I despair that you still cannot appreciate the difference between a man and woman and different and discrimination.

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One of my best friends has just got engaged to her girlfriend.


I'm over the moon, I'm strictly religious and my friend knows this, she doesn't resent my religion and I don't resent her being gay.


Surely on both sides of the debate there needs to be a bit more chilling out? :confused:


You're a Buddhist yet you think it's worthy of mention that you don't 'resent' anyone for being gay.


I'm not sure what kind of Buddhist you are, but that makes no sense at all. It's like you're making a point that has no point.


This thread just shows how much antipathy there is toward gays, when, in summary, a person's sexuality has no (or very little) bearing on anyone else. It's one of those non issues that people love to make into an issue.

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Envy of what ??? :confused:huh:



Saying "marriages are for men and women and it should stay that way" or "Marriage is about sex and procreation" are not sensible arguments and they're certainly not intelligent arguments


Open about what? You can't get much more open minded about marriage than allowing gays to marry :roll: !


I would have thought that a gay rights march would be more about celebrating gay rights




I think you are wrong on all points.

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I think you are wrong on all points.


No, RB is right on the gay rights marches. They USED to be all about the gay rights when the gays were on TV in London fighting for awareness and the right to be gay.


Nowadays they're just an excuse for a big party.


I doubt many young gays are aware of the freedoms given to them that were denied the last generation.


I wonder how many gay men reading this know what Stonewall is...


Quite sad, really.

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You're a Buddhist yet you think it's worthy of mention that you don't 'resent' anyone for being gay.


I'm not sure what kind of Buddhist you are, but that makes no sense at all. It's like you're making a point that has no point.


This thread just shows how much antipathy there is toward gays, when, in summary, a person's sexuality has no (or very little) bearing on anyone else. It's one of those non issues that people love to make into an issue.


I think you have misunderstood me Karis.


There seems to be a general feeling that the religious and gay people have a natural aversion to each other.


My post was merely to demonstrate that this isn't always the case (from both perspectives). I'm not making an 'issue' of anything, I'm sorry that you think I am.

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