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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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Mmmm, so denying someone a marriage ceremony when there is an equivalent ceremony with a different name is as sick as stoning someone to death? Methinks not. My interest in this is simply that there are more extreme views that need to be dealt with first. Catholics, and other Christians in general, are a soft target.

In what way is objecting to gay civil marriage specifically a Christian thing?

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In what way is objecting to gay civil marriage specifically a Christian thing?
It isn't. Why are you asking me? Have you misunderstood something that I said? Other religions object with sadism and violence, as well as bigotry.
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It isn't. Why are you asking me? Have you misunderstood something that I said? Other religions object with sadism and violence, as well as bigotry.

Sorry, it's unclear from your posts what you are arguing for with regard to the subject of this thread. Do you support gay marriages?

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I make distinctions between men and women.Those distinctions i choose to take into account in relation to church matrimony.

Should you you wish to label me as homophobic,then thats your choice.


Back in the 70s, we could pay women less for doing the same work as men, before that men could be sent to prison for indulging in their gayness. Before that women could be sectioned if they wanted a divorce. Before that we couldn't even be bothered to let women vote.


It wasn't that long ago that slavery was the norm and it got a good write-up in the bible. I really don't understand why churches are so quick to condemn it. Why do people have to go around wanting to change things?

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Back in the 70s, we could pay women less for doing the same work as men, before that men could be sent to prison for indulging in their gayness. Before that women could be sectioned if they wanted a divorce. Before that we couldn't even be bothered to let women vote.


It wasn't that long ago that slavery was the norm and it got a good write-up in the bible. I really don't understand why churches are so quick to condemn it. Why do people have to go around wanting to change things?


You do not need to give me a history lesson,i'm quite aware of those facts.

Do you assume that only atheists were (or are) the defenders for equality freedom and justice.

Since you appear to claim to have much knowledge of history,check the facts.Have you heard of Willberforce?,he wasn' an atheist.You sound quite political if i may say so, I respect that! I was ( and am) an admirer of Tony Benn for his principles, not because he's a Christian.


Referring to your mention of women in society i have always been an advocate for equel rights,anyone who knows me will vouch for that.

Having said that i also recognise their differences,and thats what i refer to when i talk of distinctions. That is how i have formed a view about same sex matrimony in churches.

For that i may be viewed by some as homophobic. I just have to accept that.

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You do not need to give me a history lesson,i'm quite aware of those facts.

Do you assume that only atheists were (or are) the defenders for equality freedom and justice.

No I don't think he does, you've dishonestly set up a strawman to knock down, clearly.

Since you appear to claim to have much knowledge of history,check the facts.Have you heard of Willberforce?,he wasn' an atheist.
And what religion were the people he had to argue against to get the slave trade stopped?


Referring to your mention of women in society i have always been an advocate for equel rights
Just not for homosexuals, apparently. Some more equal than others eh?
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I make distinctions between men and women.Those distinctions i choose to take into account in relation to church matrimony.

Should you you wish to label me as homophobic,then thats your choice.


Given your stance not much of one, but I'll go with it.



"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest"-Paul Simon.



"Homophobes hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest (women not excluded)"- ronthenekred.

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Back in the 70s, we could pay women less for doing the same work as men, before that men could be sent to prison for indulging in their gayness. Before that women could be sectioned if they wanted a divorce. Before that we couldn't even be bothered to let women vote.


It wasn't that long ago that slavery was the norm and it got a good write-up in the bible. I really don't understand why churches are so quick to condemn it. Why do people have to go around wanting to change things?


Give them back the power and you and I would be catapulted back into the 12th century. They never had it so good and are now clinging on to the last vestiges and hoping for a miracle.

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Referring to your mention of women in society i have always been an advocate for equel rights,anyone who knows me will vouch for that.



Does that include the ordination of women within the church..any church?


Do you advocate same sex marriage... lesbians, eeek!(women)?


Women fighter pilots? (man stuff)


What are these equal rights for women you advocate?

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My previous posts have been totally disregarded by these last posts it seems, because if i had appeared to be attacking gays i'm quite sure i would have been challanged by now. It does seem to appear that i am being victimised for nothing more then having a religious faith.,at least thats how i feel at the moment,what else could i think when i am being asked such questions like what do i think about the ordination of women priests in such a sarcastic manner and a reference to my signature whats all that about? Has this become a gender issue now too.?



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