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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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I just can't believe this, to wake up and see these grossly offensive last few posts.The likes of which i have never experienced on this forum before,and all because i chose to show a little support for a poster whom i felt had been hounded with one post after another for just having an opposing view,though was quite clearly fully capable of defending his position without any assistance and clearly some of the people who opposed him did so in a pleasent manner as was the case with me in previous posts i submitted.


In addition to that i chose to condemn homophobic vicious attacks from posts since removed, yet since doing so have i've been subject to insults and inferences that i am homophobic.


i know my last post was on a different subject to the thread but it was only in reply to questions addressed to me,and not expressed very well i will admit.I now regret replying to that post.


I feel i have been bullied and intimidated quite frankly,and i'm not prepared to put up with it. My previous posts have been totally disregarded by these last posts it seems, because if i had appeared to be attacking gays i'm quite sure i would have been challanged by now. It does seem to appear that i am being victimised for nothing more then having a religious faith.,at least thats how i feel at the moment,what else could i think when i am being asked such questions like what do i think about the ordination of women priests in such a sarcastic manner and a reference to my signature whats all that about? Has this become a gender issue now too.?


As it happens a woman who i have great respect for is a chaplain at the Hallamshire and provided much comfort to a close relative of mine who has since died.


Mods please don't remove any of these posts even though i have suggested i find some comments offensive. I would prefer them to remain.

I will however in due course remove my signature as it appears to be a problem to someone.



How ironic you should feel unjustly attacked while at the same time uphold a doctrine embedded in your faith which by default attacks certain members of society to not live equally. For my money you can follow any faith you desire...but, and it's a big but. When that faith or religion condemns because of sexuality or gender and you enter into a public forum plying your trade, then expect nothing but contempt for it. If homosexuals or any other marginalised section of society inc women's rights whined, rather than stand up and be counted, we surely would be living in Victorian Britain..if not earlier. Being a woman and an advocate of woman's rights one would assume that you understood the concept of discrimination...all discrimination, even if it's all dressed up neatly in a religious package.



As for your "Mods please" outburst and a heap of other non thread related personal comments I can only conclude you were looking for a little gravitas to your outburst.


Weird isn't it when you accuse posters of being insulting or sarcastic then proceed or follow with "Thats right jump on the bandwagon" and "Of course you agree,its predictable".


And no..I don't find you offensive, I don't know you.

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Thats right jump on the bandwagon.

Call me sexist and homophobic i don't care,you might just as well call gay people who are christians homophobic the ones who don't believe in church weddings,of which there are many.

You're just making things up now, I didn't call you anything.

If you're going to engage in debate you need to be a little bit less willing to see offence in every post that doesn't agree with you.

Its clear this is an atheist majority thread

The majority doesn't really matter, and the only reason that it's polarised is that the particular atheists here are liberal and the theists appear to be very conservative.
and thats probably why so few believers post.
The religious status of a poster isn't important to the thread though, only their thoughts on gay marriage.
Or there might be the odd one that will post the odd comment and then not show up again,they know what to expect.Some have had a taste of it all before and choose to not to participate,like the one who sent me the pm. Or some are the more moderate atheists who choose to accept the views of others.

Presumably the thread continues because there are liberal minded people who refuse to accept that discrimination is right, and conservative types who refuse to accept that not allowing gay couples to marry is even discrimination.

You must realise that it requires two intransigent parties to be in this situation.

Too late i learned my lesson.

Which one, that some liberals will refuse to accept weak arguments, that some conservatives will refuse to drop those arguments, or that if you look to take offence you'll probably find it?

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How ironic you should feel unjustly attacked while at the same time uphold a doctrine embedded in your faith which by default attacks certain members of society to not live equally. For my money you can follow any faith you desire...but, and it's a big but. When that faith or religion condemns because of sexuality or gender and you enter into a public forum plying your trade, then expect nothing but contempt for it. If homosexuals or any other marginalised section of society inc women's rights whined, rather than stand up and be counted, we surely would be living in Victorian Britain..if not earlier. Being a woman and an advocate of woman's rights one would assume that you understood the concept of discrimination...all discrimination, even if it's all dressed up neatly in a religious package.



As for your "Mods please" outburst and a heap of other non thread related personal comments I can only conclude you were looking for a little gravitas to your outburst.


Weird isn't it when you accuse posters of being insulting or sarcastic then proceed or follow with "Thats right jump on the bandwagon" and "Of course you agree,its predictable".


And no..I don't find you offensive, I don't know you.


What i feel from you is venom and from a couple of other posters on here to.

Its taken a lifetime to experience this and its probably come at just the right time.

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Imagine if we didn't divide people by their genitalia. What if we did it by height or weight or disposition? What if we banned people of a similar personality from marrying because it was 'unnatural' and likely to end in turmoil?


What if we said that two people of the same hair colour could have a civil service but couldn't be married?


How ridiculous that would be.

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Harvey doesn't believe in same-sex marriage.




Correct Chris but I do believe in a same sex union where people of the same sex commit themselves to one another.

As I am a reasonable person and have listened to many dissenters views a compromise may be to call the union between,

Same sex couples a Sarriage

or Garriage for Gays.


Mixed sex couples would still have a Marriage.


Obviously the wording at the different ceremonies would be appropriate.

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As I am a reasonable person and have listened to many dissenters views a compromise may be to call the union between,

Same sex couples a Sarriage

or Garriage for Gays.

I'm happy with that. Two men marrying can be called a ... *thinks* ... a marriage.




PS. I thought your argument was based on gender, not sexuality. Unless a garriage is for happy people. ;)

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As ridiculous are arguing that gays shouldn't marry because you're not comparing like with like, it heterosexuals marrying.

A man and woman is different to a man and man.

You cannot change this no matter how long you go round in circles.

I have posted a compromise situattion as I am trying to be positive and base my arguments on fact.

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