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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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I've just watched the news, where all the church attendee's were being asked to lobby against gay marriage, and the one's that were interviewed as they left all spoke very favourably about civil partnerships. "What's wrong with civil partnerships?" they all said, "why do they need marriage?".


In response to the first question, you need to wind the clock back to 2004, when civil partnerships were introduced, and remind yourself what the Catholic Church was saying was so horribly wrong with civil partnerships.


My answer to the second question is that it makes them happy, and has no effect on your life whatsoever. I can think of no reason for preventing people from being happy, if it causes no harm to others.


you'd make a rubbish pope/archbishop - their job is to make people as guilty unhappy and servile as possible, why not apply when the current incumbent goes to live in heaven with jesus - you'd be good

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Here's the full text of the letter that was read out to all Catholic political lobbyists church attendees this morning:




Catholic leaders are explaining what Catholic marriage is and then asserting that the state has no right to change what secular marriage is. Quite unreasonable I'd say.


In the same way that the state has no right to interfere with religious marriage, churches have no right to interfere with secular marriage.

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you'd make a rubbish pope/archbishop - their job is to make people as guilty unhappy and servile as possible, why not apply when the current incumbent goes to live in heaven with jesus - you'd be good


Unhappiness and guilt are the currency of religions. In this respect I would indeed make a rubbish cleric I must concur.

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They've got civil partnerships.


Gay marriage makes a mockery of the word marriage.


Then they expect to be able to 'marry' in a place of worship (which to believers means in the eyes of God) which is akin to defacating on the Bible as it clearly states such practices (same sex fornication) is an abomination.


Still, expect a queue of enquiries to the Court of Human Rights if they don't get their way.


Let's trash it all.


The word "Marriage" isn't something particular to a single religion, it's basically just a term to describe the relationship in law.


But next we will have polygamy and religious peeps can't argue against that one...


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You can not date my reiigon the God of the Bible predates every man made idol worship and.my.faith is not blind I just see what you don't. Along with many scientists.


Of course we can date your religion. This is exactly what I mean about arguing with people with faith, they make up gibberish and refuse to accept anything else.

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As a Christian, I believe God is love and that God loves everyone, and that includes gays.


We live in a world where men and women still feel so much isolation that some take their own lives because they are gay. I cannot believe a loving God wants that.


I have friends who are gay and Christian, and I feel they are no 'worse' or 'less' a Christian than I am. I feel they should have the opportunity to be married in a place of worship, before God, if they wish.


That said, I know a church leader who I have a great deal of respect for, and I know he would not feel that it is comfortable or 'right' for him to perform gay marriages, and I'm not sure whether it would be 'right' to force him to.


To use another analogy....I have friends who have been divorced and they wished to marry in church. One church refused to marry them, another church welcomed them with open arms. Before they were married, they wanted to christen their daughter - one church would not christen their daughter, as they were not married, another church did (ironically, and confusingly, the one that agreed to christen their daughter, would then, not marry the parents!?!) The point I am making is that churches, to a great extent, seem to decide individually on a great number of ceremonies, based on the beliefs of the particular church leader at the time. Why can't this simply be the case with gay marriage also - those church leaders that want to will marry gays, and those that don't are not forced to? Admittedly, it would be more difficult for gay couples to find a church, as it is for divorced couples, moreso, probably, if we're honest, but I'm sure there will be some churches that would perform gay marriages, and this would increase, as it became more 'accepted', as it has with churches marrying divorced couples. Any religion, in order to survive has to 'grow' and 'evolve'. We had a royal wedding with a 'commoner' last year - this would not have happened years ago.


At the end of the day, I believe that church leaders should be making such 'choices of conscience' with the question in mind, 'what course of action would bring people closer to God?', and for me personally, that has to be to accepting gay marriage, every time.

Edited by Darth Vader
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I don't believe there are many gays who would wish to marry in the church.

I have heard some say they respect the church view on this.No need to lump them together in a group they are all individual,and in most cases don't need anyone to speak out for them, as they are quite capable of doing it themselves.

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