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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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So i was right then you admit it.

Much have i learned on this thread.

After sharing my home life,working life and friendships with atheists l have now come accross a different kind,and not the kind i want to keep company with.


? Eurgh, it appears you have met people you don't like, not kinds.

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I have given very clear explanations many times.


no you haven't Harvey.


Your pseudo-argument is a circular argument, which sort of goes


"In my opinion, it's wrong because, erm... it's wrong!"


Whereas, the people who have challenged you have, pretty much to a "man", responded with


"Well, actually, as a consenting adult, to be able to marry the consenting adult with whom you wish to set up a life-partnership is a right you should be allowed regardless of whether your partner is of the same sex as yourself, or the opposite."


You would not say "Well those two, who are both the same, as they are civil servant's can't marry because they are of the same career persuasion"


or "those two can't marry becasue they are both opf the 'black', or 'white', 'Chinese', or even 'Yorkshire' persuasions".


I aver, is the right of two consenting adults, to set up a life partnership together regardless of their gender or sexuality.

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no you haven't Harvey.


Your pseudo-argument is a circular argument, which sort of goes


"In my opinion, it's wrong because, erm... it's wrong!"


Whereas, the people who have challenged you have, pretty much to a "man", responded with


"Well, actually, as a consenting adult, to be able to marry the consenting adult with whom you wish to set up a life-partnership is a right you should be allowed regardless of whether your partner is of the same sex as yourself, or the opposite."


You would not say "Well those two, who are both the same, as they are civil servant's can't marry because they are of the same career persuasion"


or "those two can't marry becasue they are both opf the 'black', or 'white', 'Chinese', or even 'Yorkshire' persuasions".


I aver, is the right of two consenting adults, to set up a life partnership together regardless of their gender or sexuality.


Gender is what is constantly different, because of different gender the couple can create new life.

The point is very simple to understand by anyone who wishes to understand it.

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I believe this is the crux of your argument?


In which case I would say that yes same sex couples have something that opposite sex couples don't have. This is in my opinion discriminating against hetrosexual couples, and so the law should be changed to allow same sex couples to marry, and then abolish civil partnerships.

As my positive post ealier on,

Same sex - Sarriage

Mixed sex - Marriage

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Gender is what is constantly different, because of different gender the couple can create new life.

The point is very simple to understand by anyone who wishes to understand it.

So by this reasoning, the only purpose of marriage is procreation.


So whether you can marry or not depends on your ability to produce children.


A bit of a blow for infertile couples wouldn't you say ?

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Gender is what is constantly different, because of different gender the couple can create new life.

The point is very simple to understand by anyone who wishes to understand it.


So you have never heard the statistic that 1-in 10 straight couples have difficulties conceiving? or the comments I made, earlier in this very thread about how some couples choose not to have children? (just the same as, oddly enough, some GAY couples choose to HAVE a family)

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Gender is what is constantly different, because of different gender the couple can create new life.

The point is very simple to understand by anyone who wishes to understand it.


Why do you persist in peddling twaddle?


Gender is simply the sexual identity a person chooses to identify with, as in "I am a female" or "I am male" right up to the transgender person who says "I was born with a Male body, but I identify as Female"/ "i was born with a Female body but I Identify as Male" / I was born with a ~~~ body and Identify as Gender Neutral"


A male who has undergone gender reassignment treatment cannot become a father, and a female who has done so cannot become a mother.

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