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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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No we haven't. Same sex couples can and do bring life into being. That they might do so through means other than sexual intercourse (although some do by having said intercourse with a third party) is of course true. .
You’re being silly now, even for you. Those ‘same sex couples’ cannot bring life into being. One of them does so in conjunction with a third party of the opposite gender – one of the same sex partners is just a witness to the matter. Put the same sex couple on a desert island and tell me how they're going to 'bring life into being'.


Many sensible people will say that this does not diminish the value of the couples who have children in these circumstances, nor does it diminish the amount of love, care and nurture that the children born to them receive.


Others - I suspect you're one of them - will seek to diminish and slight those who chose to conceive children in these unconventional ways and to suggest that children of same sex parents are somehow missing out or destined to be dysfunctional or, God forbid, gay themselves. The outdated notion that children born to gay parents are more likely to be gay themselves has been solidly disproven and if you think that one's sexual preferences are the most important factor in what constitutes good parenting you're very wide of the mark .

I don’t suggest that children raised by homosexual couples will be homosexual themselves, but I most certainly do suggest they will be raised in a dysfunctional unnatural environment without the appropriate male/female parenting balance that they require.

Some may get through it reasonably undamaged, others do not. I’ve met a few and they seem to be quite messed up – proper head full of broken biscuits.

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nothing wrong with it!!!!!!!!! its perfectly normal. i find it strange that this i focused on gay men when there are just as many gay women out there... :S


With the ignorance of homophobes, it's likely that they don't believe two women could have sex. Something along the lines of "They don't have the equipment! How can they?"

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but I most certainly do suggest they will be raised in a dysfunctional unnatural environment without the appropriate male/female parenting balance that they require.

Some may get through it reasonably undamaged, others do not. I’ve met a few and they seem to be quite messed up – proper head full of broken biscuits.


How does this 'dysfunctional' environment of two loving parents compare to the rather more common 'dysfunctional' environment of only 1 parent, or the alternative dysfunctional environment of being in the care system?

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I have given logical reasoned arguments based on fact.

Your only argument rests on the requirement that marriage has a purpose of procreation. Once that is discounted you have given no other arguments.

Maybe if some posters stood back and viewed the arguments objectively they would realise this.

If you could actually establish your premise there might be something for us to view objectively...

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I most certainly do suggest they will be raised in a dysfunctional unnatural environment


[...] I’ve met a few and they seem to be quite messed up – proper head full of broken biscuits.

The people who I've met in life whom I consider to be "messed up" have all had a mother and a father raising them.


Equally, there was a gay couple on Radio Sheffield a month or two ago, who specialised in adopting children with special needs - autism mainly, along with other disabilities. Are they "messing those kids up"?

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In which posts? Could you link directly to them, since the thread is now ridiculously long and it's unfeasible to go and look?


Any example of an argument which is not circular will suffice to prove Karis wrong.


Thanks. As I had to read every post in this thread for a second time, I'm yet to see any posts from Harvey which contain reasonable information and directly answer questions posed to him.

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Thanks. As I had to read every post in this thread for a second time, I'm yet to see any posts from Harvey which contain reasonable information and directly answer questions posed to him.


Yes i have just read through it a second time :blush:

Thats why i've changed my signature.:hihi:

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I have given logical reasoned arguments based on fact.

Maybe if some posters stood back and viewed the arguments objectively they would realise this.


You do realise all logic does is show valid inference right? Not wether your argument is right or wrong.

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Yes i have just read through it a second time :blush:

Thats why i've changed my signature.:hihi:


I think we should have some kind of award for it! :D


But you cannot base your argument on whether two people should get married on whether they are the same or not. Or, more commonly in this case, whether they can make babies or not.


That's just - at best - extremely shallow thinking.

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