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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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There is no battle about whether or not a ceremony can take place in a church.


The argument is over their being allowed to call themselves married.


Do you know anyone who calls themselves "civilpartnered"? "Married" is already the word we use for all couples who have "legalised" their relationship.

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You defend, as do I, the Church's right to free speech, but you don't "understand" my right to criticise the Church for what it says?






Nobody is telling the Church who they can and cannot marry.


However, the Church is telling the State who they can and cannot marry, and is encouraging it's members to lobby on their behalf.




Absolutely. Sorry to quote your first point last, but it is the most important one.


What I don't understand is why the Church wants to restrict people's harmless attempt to seek happiness. It just seems so, well, totally opposite to what Jesus would have wanted.



Anybodyy or any group has the right to lobby for anything, even the legalization of pot which was the subject of another thread.


Since the church have no power to pass laws of any sort outside of it's own jurisdiction then there's no danger that it will be able to restrict the right to same sex marriage if the government sanction it by law.

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Since the church have no power to pass laws of any sort outside of it's own jurisdiction then there's no danger that it will be able to restrict the right to same sex marriage if the government sanction it by law.


Why do you keep offering your opinion on subjects you clearly know next to nothing about?




Gay people do not choose their sexual orientation, yet we 'punish' them as though they have made an immoral choice. It is about time we started to recognise that being gay is neither normal nor abnormal and then we might be less rash in our judgements.

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Anybodyy or any group has the right to lobby for anything, even the legalization of pot which was the subject of another thread.


Since the church have no power to pass laws of any sort outside of it's own jurisdiction then there's no danger that it will be able to restrict the right to same sex marriage if the government sanction it by law.


You do know that priest are allowed seats in our Houses of Parliament?

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