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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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Was the back of the bus somehow inferior to the front?


I notice despite me answering your question you don't feel qualified to answer mine.


Are black people different to white people?


Give it a go, see if you can answer it, it's not a trick.


It is discrimination, a legal state that is only available to straight couples discriminates against those who cannot have that status. Like I've said, that's the definition of discrimination, you can keep claiming it isn't, that won't alter things.


I think the debate is pretty much run out, you object to gay marriage because you feel that it's okay to discriminate against gay couples, I can only assume that's down to some homophobia on your part. I expect that this is the basis for all such objections since no one has been able to post a justified reason for an objection. Hopefully the change will go ahead and in the future homophobia will quietly disappear along with Christianity (and other religions).


I thought I had answered all your points.

My arguments is not against homosexuals or making any couple inferior or superior.

You ignore my points about the reasons for the different types of union are that a man and woman are different genders and homosexual couples are the same gender.

A person that loves another of the same sex is different to one who loves a person of the same sex therefore they are different. Again neither superior or inferior but simply different.

A same sex couple cannot reproduce whereas a a couple of different sex can reproduce.

There is no way both groups can be called the same.

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I thought I had answered all your points.

My arguments is not against homosexuals or making any couple inferior or superior.

You ignore my points about the reasons for the different types of union are that a man and woman are different genders and homosexual couples are the same gender.

A person that loves another of the same sex is different to one who loves a person of the same sex therefore they are different. Again neither superior or inferior but simply different.

A same sex couple cannot reproduce whereas a a couple of different sex can reproduce.

There is no way both groups can be called the same.

But why shouldn't they be treated the same when it harms nobody?

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Sadly we can't always have everything we want in life.

Surely it is the commitment to each other that is important.


So that's you answer then to a same sex couple who want to marry. Sadly we can't always have everything we want in life. At least you finally admit that you believe that homosexual people should have less rights.

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Because the institution of marriage was created for opposite sex couples who because of their biological differences could reproduce.


But times move on, what becomes acceptable and unacceptable change. For example, it was only recently that it became a crime for a husband to rape his wife. Is this a change to the traditions of marriage that you support?

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