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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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I thought I had answered all your points.

My arguments is not against homosexuals or making any couple inferior or superior.

You ignore my points about the reasons for the different types of union are that a man and woman are different genders and homosexual couples are the same gender.

A person that loves another of the same sex is different to one who loves a person of the same sex therefore they are different. Again neither superior or inferior but simply different.

A same sex couple cannot reproduce whereas a a couple of different sex can reproduce.

There is no way both groups can be called the same.


Why don't you want gays to get married though?

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It is what a man and woman can do but a same sex couple cannot therefore proving a massive difference between the 2 different groups.


Another difference is that a woman can't keep goal like Peter Shilton, does that mean that women should have different rights to men in our society?

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It is what a man and woman can do but a same sex couple cannot therefore proving a massive difference between the 2 different groups.


Well duh that's obvious but so what? Doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to get married in a church if that's what they both want..

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As quoted many times they do not fit the criteria for marriage.

They fit the criteria for civil partnerships.

I am not against anyone entering into a union together.


No, we understand why same sex couples cannot currently marry, we are discussing changing the criteria. So if the criteria was changed then you'd accept the marriages?

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Again for the last time.

If a man could marry a man but a woman could not marry a woman that would be discrimination.

The only person who's mentioned men being allowed to marry men but women not not being allowed to marry women is you - stop it with the straw men arguments, they fool no one.

Same gender, different rights.

So it is discriminatory then.

Where the difference lies is that this cannot be aligned to people of different gender, man and woman. A basic difference is that a man and woman can reproduce whereas the same sex couple cannot.

Infertile heterosexual couples cannot reproduce - if you are claiming it's about ability to reproduce you would prevent them from marrying.

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Well duh that's obvious but so what? Doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to get married in a church if that's what they both want..


Can you understand there is a criteria for a couple entering into marriage and that is they are man and woman.

No matter how much certain people do not like this it does not change it.

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As quoted many times they do not fit the criteria for marriage.They fit the criteria for civil partnerships.

I am not against anyone entering into a union together.


Then lets change the criteria. Why don't you want that to happen?


You are against gay people entering into the union of marriage - and therefore you're contradicting yourself.

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Can you understand there is a criteria for a couple entering into marriage and that is they are man and woman.

No matter how much certain people do not like this it does not change it.

We understand there is a currently applied criteria that prevents same sex couples from marrying. We also realise that that is just a social construct and can be changed.

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No, we understand why same sex couples cannot currently marry, we are discussing changing the criteria. So if the criteria was changed then you'd accept the marriages?


If the criteria was changed then it would have to be accepted.

I do not beleive the criteria should be changed though as stated before there are differences between hetrosexual and homosexual couples.

A partnership between same and different sex couples is not the same because of the basic gender differences therefore they should be recognised differently.

Each form of partnership equal.

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