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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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I'm perfectly happy for them to take place in a civil ceremony.

Why would anyone non-christian want any involvement with the church?

If the church had argued against the change to the law regarding rape in marriage, or some other such law change, then I think it would have been reasonable for secular rules to take precedence over what the church thinks. But on the whole, it should be up to the church.


Allowing churches to perform same sex marriages leaves it up to churches whether they do or not. It does not in any way compel them to do so.

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I suppose you think a man and woman are the same gender then ?

Please think before posting.


So what you are saying is that straight couples should be disbarred from having a civil ceremony, and should be forced to have a religious ceremony (whether or not they are religious?)


And by that token, Same-sex couples can only have civil ceremonies, not religious, even if they have a religious faith?

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If the church had argued against the change to the law regarding rape in marriage, or some other such law change, then I think it would have been reasonable for secular rules to take precedence over what the church thinks. But on the whole, it should be up to the church.


Allowing churches to perform same sex marriages leaves it up to churches whether they do or not. It does not in any way compel them to do so.


Well i'm glad you accept it should be up to the church., while we still have one! because the way we are going it is unlikely we will have one for much longer.

So people will have to get used to civil ceremonies whether they are Christian or not.The tradition of church weddings will become a thing of the past.

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The idea of same sex marriage is causing a division in the church.This of course would more then please the militant atheists who would wish to see a callapse of the established church of England.They are only concerned with freedom of rights and principle,and have no respect for church doctrine.

Not all gay people wish to see change,and if they wish to marry they can have a civil ceremony..

Some gay people are christians,some are atheists etc.

Why should the goverment interfere with the church.


Wait again how did the Anglican Church come into existance again. Was it not disobeying doctrine and the Holy Roman See?

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problem is having Catholicism / Christianity without homophobia is like having the bnp without racism, their whole foundation and belief structure is primitive and based upon hatred which is whats needed for them to continue.


Hatred? Who do they hate?

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