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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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If people see marriage as a strictly man and woman affair that's ok. I don't rest easy with the discrimination thing though. I think it comes down to what a person perceives as a 'legitimate' union.


Nobody's telling people how they should view marriage, they can view it how they want. We are simply saying that their view of marriage cannot be imposed on others because that is discrimination.

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The very same arguments were used by the very same people in 2005 to disagree with civil partnerships for gay people. They now claim that they're okay with civil partnerships, and it's just marriage that isn't allowed. :loopy:


"Voting is a thing done by men", "sport is a thing done by men", "driving is a thing done by men", "the front seats are for white people", "sodomy is illegal". These things, and many other inequalities, have all been true in the recent past, and to argue that they should be true simply because they are true, is nuts.


What about the views of those who wish to maintain the present system ?

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Why indeed?


But then Churches up and down the country this weekend will be welcoming atheists, marrying them, and taking money of them for the service. Whilst some Christians are turned away because they are gay. All because some militant Christians don't like them.

Those atheists have chosen to do that, why? they don't have to



Those atheists have chosen to do that,why? they don't have to.There are militant christians who don't like gays i don't dispute that,but i'm sure they are a minority.I don't know any personally and i don't want to.

Good, I think that's a healthy attitude to have.

Like black people were allowed to sit on the back of the bus. It's discrimination.

It isn't, the church is trying to interfere with the government since it's the legal institution of marriage that is being discussed which is nothing to do with the church.


The way black people were treated in the USA,that was appalling.that was true discrimination.They were fundementalist christians, kru klux klan :gag:

don't get me on to them. We're talking about gay marriage in our own churches though,and thats not the same thing as discrimination.

Edited by janie48
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Nobody's telling people how they should view marriage, they can view it how they want. We are simply saying that their view of marriage cannot be imposed on others because that is discrimination.


You are telling those who wish to maintain marriage as a union between man and woman that they are wrong.

Not discrimination

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You are telling those who wish to maintain marriage as a union between man and woman that they are wrong.

Not discrimination


No, we're saying that it is currently discriminatory and that this is what you wish to maintain.

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