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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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There are militant christians who don't like gays i don't dispute that,but i'm sure they are a minority.I don't know any personally and i don't want to.

Go to Africa. The Anglican church is split because it isn't middle England that they're appealing to anymore.

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A man and woman partnership is different to a man and man or woman and woman partnership.

Not in any legal or fundamental (or important) sense.

If a man and man were allowed to marry but not a woman and woman that would be discrimination.


The current system is discriminatory as different groups have different rights.

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Both irrelevant to this debate.

A question about same-sex marriage is irrelevant to a debate about same-sex marriage? :)


I'll have another go, see if you're willing to move out of your snug corner a bit.


If a same-sex couple were to marry in another country, and then move to England, would they be married or not? Yes or no question.

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Nobody's telling people how they should view marriage, they can view it how they want. We are simply saying that their view of marriage cannot be imposed on others because that is discrimination.


True but if I were to disagree with two women getting married it would have nothing to do with the fact that they are the same sex only that the tradition has been for a man and a woman to be married. I'm not being discriminitory I have simply grown up to expect that marriage is between opposite sexes.


How often would you have seen same sex kissing on film and TV 25 years ago compared to now. How more readily acceptable is it now?


The same will eventually happen with marriage. Familiarity will soften the 'anti' feeling in time.

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No, we're saying that it is currently discriminatory and that this is what you wish to maintain.


I have explained the difference between Different and Discrimination many times and given relevant examples.

Open your mind and see things from both sides instead of having a fixed agenda.

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Well in simple terms the question was raised so he has a right to answer.


You're right. No one owns marriage. Before the church became involved couples were forming partnerships quite happily. Religion has likely brought about homophobia with its insistence that same sex relationships are a sin blah blah!


Personally I see no right or wrong in two men or two women getting married it's two people and a piece of paper. If God doesn't want to give his blessing who cares, I don't.


If people see marriage as a strictly man and woman affair that's ok. I don't rest easy with the discrimination thing though. I think it comes down to what a person perceives as a 'legitimate' union.

We're talking about the legal status of being married though, that shouldn't discriminate. If people don't want to accept it as marriage from a personal point of view then that is up to them.

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The question has no value. I don't recognise anyone as being married whether they tell me or not. They are who they are.


The law does though, marriage imparts rights and responsibilities on the spouse in certain situations.

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