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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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If it wasn't legal they wouldn't be married. Another avoidance tactic.


Bob and Paul are Canadian, and married in 2008. They move to Sheffield for work, and Bob meets harvey19 through their shared love of fly fishing.


"I'm married to a man," says Bob.


A. harvey replies "No you're not. Two men can't marry."

B. or harvey replies "Lovely. Two men can marry."


C. Why in Gods name did you move to Sheffield?

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If it wasn't legal they wouldn't be married. Another avoidance tactic.


Bob and Paul are Canadian, and married in 2008. They move to Sheffield for work, and Bob meets harvey19 through their shared love of fly fishing.


"I'm married to a man," says Bob.


A. harvey replies "No you're not. Two men can't marry."

B. or harvey replies "Lovely. Two men can marry."

Which is it?


If the marriage was legal and recognised as such in this country they would be classed as married under Canadian law.

I think you have completely missed the point of my argument.

By the way they would never meet me through a love of fly fishing !

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Go to Africa. The Anglican church is split because it isn't middle England that they're appealing to anymore.


All christians are split arn't they,just like atheists are too.Thats the nature of people nothing will change that.

I'm split, i have protestants on one side of the family,catholics on the other,yes, and a few atheists too.All of them have had there influences.

but not one of them preached hate! like what the poster who i spoke to last night on here referred to.

Edited by janie48
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All christians are split arn't they,just like atheists are too.Thats the nature of people nothing will change that.

I'm split, i have protestants on one side of the family,catholics on the other,yes, and a few atheists too.All of them have had there influences.

but not one of them preached hate! like what the poster who i spoke to last night on here referred to.


I don't know any atheists who are bigoted, homophobic or intolerant.

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The Church does not own Marriage.


Marriage is a secular concern, not a religous one.


The Church has every right to comment or express an opinion on any issue, as do we all. It becomes wrong however when the Church takes the stance that only their argument or opinion is valid.


There will always be people who want to maintain the status quo. It would not be an interesting debate otherwise.


Harvey19: I accept that you are entitled to your opinion, however I disagree with it.


I see your reasoning as circular - to argue that something should remain how it is, as it has always been that way is flawed. Progress cannot be made without change. Marriage is currently between a man and a woman, just as currently the speed limit on the Motorway is 70mph. Both of these things are changeable.


I feel that some of your posts are deliberatley inflamatory, designed to attack those who disagree with you.


I am in favour of gay marriage, as the current situation with a "Civil Partnership" is discriminatory for two reasons: Firstly straight couples cannot get a Civil Partnership, and secondly because gay couples cannot get Married. To allow the interchangeability would remove the discrimination, and allow both gay and straight couples to marry, or have a civil partnership.


Homosexuality can be argued as unnatural, an abomination, a disgrace etc, however one could have that opinion about many things, but this does not mean that those people are any less than equal to a fellow human being. Gay or Straight is no longer an issue in the 21st century.


To argue that the next step on from allowing gay marriage is to allow humans to marry animals, or adults to marry underage children is ridiculous. Animals cannot declare their love for a human (They can't say 'I do'), and we prohibit sexual contact for children until they reach a certain maturity whereby they can make an informed, mature decission about with whom they enter a relationship (secual or not). If a 50 year old male wanted to marry an 18 year old female then that may not be palatable by some people, it is however legal providing both parties consent.


So, as long as two people of the same gender give their consent, and can say 'I do', then why should they not be allowed to marry?

Edited by Stomp
Added some punctuation
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If the marriage was legal and recognised as such in this country they would be classed as married under Canadian law.

Allow me one last chance then, reverse it.


You're in Canada, and you meet Bob and Paul. In Canada same-sex marriage is legal. So Bob and Paul are married?

It's like a rubik's cube, getting you out from under your logic umbrella. ;)

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I don't know any atheists who are bigoted, homophobic or intolerant.


I know several.


I also know some Christians, and Muslims who are bigoted, homophobic and intolerant.


I was once told "Im sorry Stomp, but you are going straight to hell because of your sexuality". I attempted to explain why it is not a choice I have, they just shut off the discussion and told me to speak to a priest to be 'cured'.

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I know several.


I also know some Christians, and Muslims who are bigoted, homophobic and intolerant.


I was once told "Im sorry Stomp, but you are going straight to hell because of your sexuality". I attempted to explain why it is not a choice I have, they just shut off the discussion and told me to speak to a priest to be 'cured'.


Unbelievable that people still believe in this tripe in this day and age.

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