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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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What is the % of gay and lesibian in the UK.

Anyone got any facts


Despite what the gay rights lobby woulds have you believe, only 1% of people in the UK are gay.




And 71% of us claim to be Christian!


It seems therefore that not only is this an issue that only matters to 1% of us, but 71% of us believe that gay marriage is morally wrong.

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Despite what the gay rights lobby woulds have you believe, only 1% of people in the UK are gay.




And 71% of us claim to be Christian!


It seems therefore that not only is this an issue that only matters to 1% of us, but 71% of us believe that gay marriage is morally wrong.


I would dispute that 71% hold extremist christian views.

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I would dispute that 71% hold extremist christian views.




Of the 54% of the respondents that self-identified as Christian:


Six in ten respondents (61%) agree that homosexuals should have the same legal rights in all aspects of their lives as heterosexuals, and those who disapprove of sexual relations between two adults of the same sex (29%) are greatly outnumbered by those who do not (46%).

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What, so Christians who believe what's written in the Bible are extremists?


You know what, I'm up for a bit of fun with this. Where in the bible does it say it's morally wrong. Actually since it's about Christians, where does Jesus say homosexuality is morally wrong?

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people who interpret the bible in a way that justifys them discriminating against others are.


This has been done since the bible was first written. A group of clergymen got together and decided what should, and should not be in the bible. So therefore it was them who decided the moral code we now live by.

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I have arrived at my own conclusions too, about Gay marriage in churches.


Am i allowed to have a view? I don't profess to be perfect,i am far from it!.I can be intolerent sometimes,but i am not homophobic,bigoted or a racist.

Nor do i consider that i am being "spoon fed from a book 2000 years old"

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Allow me one last chance then, reverse it.


You're in Canada, and you meet Bob and Paul. In Canada same-sex marriage is legal. So Bob and Paul are married?

It's like a rubik's cube, getting you out from under your logic umbrella. ;)


If I met Bob and Paul whilst fly fishing in Canada and they had undertaken an accepted and legal ceremony in Canada then they would be married.

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