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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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Not sexual preference but gender is the crucial difference.

This isn't getting the grass cut.


Sexual discrimination then if you prefer. But since couples don't have a gender, but do have an orientation I'd disagree and say that it's discrimination on sexual orientation.

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This must be those "militant atheists" that you have referred to. Care to explain how their intolerance of Christianity has made your life intolerant?


Compare that to the intolerances that homosexuals have had to suffer, even in recent times. Sodomy was illegal prior to 1967, civil partnerships were not available until 2005, and the age of consent was unequal until 2009. At each stage there has been very vocal religious demands that these equalities be denied, as there is now. That is genuine intolerant interference in how other people chose to live their lives with no effect on their own lives whatsoever.


I might be a 'militant atheist' in your eyes, because I express my views on a public internet forum, but I would self-identify as a secular humanist. I would fight for your rights to hold your views, and practice your religion, however you want to, up to the point where it might cause harm to others.


So please tell me how "Christianophobia" has made your life in some way intolerable, and hearing views that differ from your own does not count.

I hav'nt said their intolerance has made my life intolerant,or that christianophobia (which does exist) has made my own life intolerant.


You have a right to express your views anywhere,especially on the forum,but what i have noticed,is that your views are far less likely to be challenged,as mine have been.In fact i have got to the point now where i hardly dare express my own views.I feel i am putting myself in a position for attack,and it makes me feel uncomfortable,and hesitant to post anything that requires any admission to being a christian.This has now helped me to understand why some people with a religious belief do not wish to reveal it,and some appear to have revealed they are christian,but have stopped posting on religious type threads.

You speak about freedom,this is another aspect of freedom that concerns me.


I don't know whether i should say this,but shortly after i joined the forum with no agenda at all,i posted on to a religious debate,and received a pm from someone who no longer posts on the forum.The message advised me to be wary and cautious because i would be insulted etc.This did not deter me it made me more determined to carry on posting,for the most part though i have not had any bad experiences,and the majority of people on an opposing side have been really nice.


I'm not even a fully practicing christian,in the church sense,and as it happens i disagree with the views of many other christians on some issues,however as you may have gathered i do have an attachment to the church.

I'm sorry i was attempting to answer your question,and digressed.

I've said enough now.

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I hav'nt said their intolerance has made my life intolerant,or that christianophobia (which does exist) has made my own life intolerant.


You have a right to express your views anywhere,especially on the forum,but what i have noticed,is that your views are far less likely to be challenged,as mine have been.In fact i have got to the point now where i hardly dare express my own views.I feel i am putting myself in a position for attack,and it makes me feel uncomfortable,and hesitant to post anything that requires any admission to being a christian.This has now helped me to understand why some people with a religious belief do not wish to reveal it,and some appear to have revealed they are christian,but have stopped posting on religious type threads.

You speak about freedom,this is another aspect of freedom that concerns me.


I don't know whether i should say this,but shortly after i joined the forum with no agenda at all,i posted on to a religious debate,and received a pm from someone who no longer posts on the forum.The message advised me to be wary and cautious because i would be insulted etc.This did not deter me it made me more determined to carry on posting,for the most part though i have not had any bad experiences,and the majority of people on an opposing side have been really nice.


I'm not even a fully practicing christian,in the church sense,and as it happens i disagree with the views of many other christians on some issues,however as you may have gathered i do have an attachment to the church.

I'm sorry i was attempting to answer your question,and digressed.

I've said enough now.


I can see where you are coming from, I would hope that none of the replys to you have been personal attacks, if they have been then that is a real shame. I would think that it is people attacking your arguements and things can get heated when posters like harve19 go round and round in circles and refuse to listen to logic. You however do and I have seen you stand up for yourself on some threads but you are also open to other ideas which a lot of people are not. Don;t feel threatened, keep posting, it's just the internets after all :)

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