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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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i used to post on religious threads and state that I believe there is a God although I am not a church goer.

It amazed me the lengths some posters would go to press home their view that there was no God. It disgusted me the terms they used as names for God or the Bible.


So what? There's plenty of horrible stuff in the bible that disgusts me. Be disgusted, that's fine.


God is a fairy tale, and the bible is just a book, people can say what they like about them.

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There are militant atheists as well as millitant christians.

I could give you many examples they are all over the internet,but i'm not going to copy and paste them.

There are far more insults towards christians,and other believers on the forum then there are towards atheists.

You will be very pleased to know i won't be carrying on insulting you (as you put it) because i won't be posting on this type of thread any more,or any other the way i feel at the moment.

So if you are trying to score points,then your'e the winner.



Well atheism describes what somebody is not, not what they are. It's pretty difficult to be critical of that. How do you begin to be critical of what people think unless people actually state what they do think? :huh:


As for insulting, well I hope you don't think I have been. All I am doing is saying what I think, and I am saying it bluntly and honestly. I hope to receive the same in return, to be treated in an adult manner. Ultimately I hope to be convinced that I am wrong.


Reducing this to "point scoring", oh come on now.


People are people, some are nice (I am) and some are not, and there is no correlation with theism or atheism, I am sure of that. But you used the term 'militant atheist' which I think is disingenuous, so ask for examples of what you actually mean by this.


I want to change my mind on things, and that's why I'm here. Do you want to change your mind, or are you simply confusing "insult" with "hearing things you don't want to hear"?

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Right on cue.


Returning to the subject of gay marriage and in regard to you saying that you believe in God, do you believe that God made gay people in the same way that (presumably) he made straight people?

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Returning to the subject of gay marriage and in regard to you saying that you believe in God, do you believe that God made gay people in the same way that (presumably) he made straight people?


Of course.

I think I won the debate although many opposed me.

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Ha ha, an excellent article in the Financial Times:




I recently bought an espresso machine to which I was hugely attached until I noticed Whittard was selling the same model to gays. Suddenly my macchiato seemed cheapened; and questioned my commitment to the morning shot. Now the Illy languishes untouched and I have begun dallying with an old jar of Maxwell House I was once close to. We’d fallen out of touch after I’d committed to proper coffee but recently reconnected via Facebook. So I’m wise to the dangers of gay marriage. We all saw what happened when homosexuality was legalised. Crime rates soared, obviously because people felt their previous law-abiding status had been devalued by the decision to stop treating gays as criminals.
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So, in conclusion, almost 1,000 posts and not one compelling reason or argument as to why gay marriage should not be permitted.


Those who do not want to ackowledge the reasons against homosexual marriage ignore the reasons and keep repeating their opinions why it should be allowed.

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