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Poll bye bye bbc

should the bbc/tv licence be scrapped  

112 members have voted

  1. 1. should the bbc/tv licence be scrapped

    • yes i would like to get rid of the licence fee and bbc
    • no i would like to keep it as it is

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Good, then you'll pay £145.50 a year to subscribe to those channels. Let other people, ie the market, decide what channels they will subsribe to, or watch free with advertising.


I'd happily pay less for a BBC that doesn't pay idots like Moyles and Clarkson.

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I find it astonishing that people have so little imagination, and could not have anything to do if they didn't have a TV.


What do you think people did before TV? they were not wailing because they had nothing to do.

TV has only been present in most average housholds since the 1960s, we have not had it all that long you know.


We have I'm 61 and we've had a TV in our house since 1953 when I was 2 and anyone over 55 will probably not remember not having one so you are wrong there my friend but having said that we did not bother with it as children we preferred to be outside but times haved moved on and you clearly like technology as you have a computer so you can hardly expect people who have TV not to watch it. This is 2012 not 1936 and I'm all for licence because programmes aren't interrupted with meaningless drivel and we can watch Grand Prix in peace well sometimes now anyway because we don't have sky tv:roll:

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I feel I get my money's worth from the beeb, I use the news and weather websites every day and watch loads of documentaries etc on the various channels.


I also prefer to NOT have any advertising on these services, watching a film or documentary with ad breaks in is super annoying.

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Morning Denlin.


I agree with what you have said, I am 53 and I don't remember us not having a tv set. However when we were young we used to play outside while ever it was light enough so we were not brought up like the younger people these days who spend their life either in front of the tv or the computer.


We don't have Sky either we have freeview and even that is more than enough for us. Our tv is never on during the day, we always have the radio on and even then it is the BBC Radio 2 for us.


We put our tv on at 5pm and watch The Chase which is ITV then turn over for the 6 o'clock news and Look North, followed by The One Show all BBC.

Then if there is nothing on we want to watch (we are quite selective and never watch soaps) we turn it off and will read or play scrabble or othe things until there is either something on we like or we go to bed.


So yes I say keep the BBC and I for one don't mind paying the fee, although we do it monthly by direct debit as it is easier.


Looking at the result of your poll most people agree with this.

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When i switch the TV on I always go on to the BBC first,yes there a lot of rubbish,but on the whole its better then other channels,and there so much on the radio with 5live etc.Lately i have been watching BBC4,mostly when they have concerts on and old clips from Top of The Pops. There was a programme on about Bill Withers the other night,followed by a concert.It was all very entertaining.I have even got into Jazz now through watching it on there.I have a very exciting life these days?

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Janie, I have done the same, there has been a programme on BBC3 or 4 can't remember which about folk music which I have never really been into, but I've watched this a couple of times and have changed my mind, it has been really good especially the musicians with instruments like the accordian, fiddle and bohdran which you don't hear every day.

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Janie, I have done the same, there has been a programme on BBC3 or 4 can't remember which about folk music which I have never really been into, but I've watched this a couple of times and have changed my mind, it has been really good especially the musicians with instruments like the accordian, fiddle and bohdran which you don't hear every day.


I love all that too,and its great to discover new musical tastes.I think it keeps you young.

One thing about us two we don't seem to get bored.:)

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