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Why do some people leave taps running in public toilets??

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The whole point of washing your hands after defecating is an acknowledgment that you could have crap on your hands. My bet would be that the taps and door handles in public loos are a lot filthier than the loo itself.



A while back I was in a Mcdonalds and went to the loo. I was washing my hands when a toilet cubicle door opened an a guy walked straight past me and out into the restaurant.

How many people used that door after washing their hands and got his excrement on their hands after that?

Two points-

1 I have since noticed that all McDonald's doors open in towards the loos, you have to use the handles to get back into the restaurant. If they opened the other way at least you could open the door with your arm.

2 All the customers then go out and eat their food (minus cutlary) with their excrement covered hands. :gag:



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Why wouldn't they wipe? The whole thing about these people is that they only care for themselves and as they would quickly end up walking around with a filthy, sore a$$. I cant see many of them not wiping.


Sorry, I thought this was the wild accusation thread.


If they cared for themselves they'd wash their hands surely

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Some are on a timer and you can't turn them off, they turn themselves off automatically so you want to read what you are commenting on properly:loopy::loopy:


If the tap had been turned on and off automatically then it wouldn't need anything doing to it would it? If anyone isn't reading the original post mate I reckon it's you.

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Slightly off topic but.....


Does anyone wonder what those hands free soap dispensers are about that you can buy for home? The advert says you never have to touch a germy soap pump again.....but surely the whole point of using soap is that you wash your hands AFTER? Or have I simply got too much time on my hands :confused:

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I'm not responsible for the toilets, I'm not a toilet attendent! :rant:




Oh i thought you were qualified to speak on toilet procedures, and thats why you had opened this thread. ;)


Anyway nothing wrong with being a toilet attendent.

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