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Have you received strange PM?

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Is it necessary?
It is, if you own a forum and want to sleep at night :hihi:


Seriously - pretty much, yes.


I have posted numerous times already, over the years, that by default posters own (respective) copyright(s) in any material they post (post text, photos, etc.) It's the Law, and that's that :|


To prevent SF being on the receiving end of genuine, or frivolous, or vexatious, or...<insert reason here> claims for copyright infringement, it needs a corresponding, default "get-out-of-jail card" built-into the T&Cs that have to be accepted for registering/posting. This clause is it :)

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It is, if you own a forum and want to sleep at night :hihi:


Seriously - pretty much, yes.


I have posted numerous times already, over the years, that by default posters own (respective) copyright(s) in any material they post (post text, photos, etc.) It's the Law, and that's that :|


To prevent SF being on the receiving end of genuine, or frivolous, or vexatious, or...<insert reason here> claims for copyright infringement, it needs a corresponding, default "get-out-of-jail card" built-into the T&Cs that have to be accepted for registering/posting. This clause is it :)


yeah I do feel for forums sometimes. Another forum I was on had a guy who was on trial for murder, needless to say a lot of speculation went on and could have been seen as contempt of court. Needless to say things got closed down quite quick.


Though I wouldn't be too worried. If you write up some short stories and post them then release them somewhere else it is unlikely that SF is going to try get royalties from you.

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So more specifically, what does that clause actually mean in effect.
Going way-way-way off-Topic here.


"Users grant to us a world-wide, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive licence (including the right to sub-license) to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display any content (in whole or part) Users upload, post or e-mail and/or to incorporate such content in other works in any form, media or technology now known or developed."


= in a nutshell, SF can do whatever it wants, however and wherever it wants to do it, with whatever content you upload/post/email to SF.


In practice, it's not so much a landgrab of posters' IP in their content, than a valid defence against an infringement claim by an aggrieved SF member/poster ("Mr Judge, our infringing acts are authorised acts under the license which the copyright owner granted to us under our T&Cs").


Note that I doubt a UK Court would enforce all of it (some of these terms extend well beyond what rights/remedies are provided under UK and EU IP legislation, so such terms are effectively redundant/ineffective).

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If you receive any sort of PM like this please use the report facility on the PM to let the moderating team know that someone is using the PM system to try to promote a company.


Apologies to Mort, then; I didn't spot the report-pm link so I forwarded it to a random moderator for attention.

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Apologies to Mort, then; I didn't spot the report-pm link so I forwarded it to a random moderator for attention.


The report button for PMs is at the top right of the PM, on the top blue bar. The downside of forwarding to a member of the moderating team is that unless you're sure that the moderator you forwarded to is around that day/week then the issue could take a whole load longer to deal with than if you used the report function.


Both will get to the mod team, just your way is slower :)

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