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Anyone been seen by atos and kept incapacity benefit/esa?

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Is ATOS neutral? Many people who have had dealings with them would claim they are not neutral or objective but actively trying to move people off ESA whether it's appropriate or not.


ATOS have many flaws, but if they really are trying to move people off ESA regardless, they're doing a lousy job of it; barely one-third of interviewees are removed from benefit.

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Your own consultant will be a specialist in a specific illness, not a specialist in assessing your ability to do useful work. Moreover, and more importantly, your consultant is not, and should not be, a neutral and objective observer; he's supposed to be biased on your side. An assessor must be neutral.


An ATOS assessor should be neutral, but he serves his paymaster. Also his/her abilities to assess are called into question. At best he will be a GP, a pretty poor one at that, and his opinion overules a specialist.

The very existence of companies like ATOS expose the regard the state/DWP has for its claimants............ During my own involvement with these charlatans I had conversations with a few legal and medical advisors. They all pointed out that, using the criteria laid down by the DWP and implemented by ATOS a lot of people were short changed and badly treat. The criteria has a lot of 'grey areas' which are not taken into account.

As for ESA, the ruling which took my ESA away has been changed. Cancer is now regarded as not possible to sort out in 6-12 months so extensions are now in place. Fighting the nearly impossible odds cancer imposes on you is hard enough without having to fight some clown at ATOS who is paid to interpret the rules in the DWP's favour. Luckily I have independent means, God help any poor soul who hasn't.

Its a pity I cannot diclose the scources of my information, but we have won round one on behalf of cancer patients and no doubt will win some more.

My involvement with these people dosent start and finish at Sheffield Forum....

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In many cases Consultant Doctors do not have the skills knowledge or experience to undertake a proper functional assessment, this is why Nurses , Physios and Occupational therapists are more appropriate to make these assessments, this is part of what we do as a professional from day 1 week1 of our pre-registration education and training , otherwise why do other specialities doctors like to palm off anyone who is under our life long follow-up to our consultants if they are an inpatient ... and my consultant colleagues would be the first to admit they could not do the assessments we do because they were never taught it and simply would not do it often enough to maintain currency ...


GPs are far from objective and many are far too keen to get the med 4 pad out to get the patient out the surgery and to avoid abuse from patients and their significant others .


as for 'shortening the lists' this is a two edged sword, it;s quite clear from the opinions expressed by some posters in this thread they believe that 'disability' is a pass to a life sponging and a get out of jail card for being a pillock in discussions ... they seem to be unable to accept that people with a greater understanding of the issues by virtue of professional AND personal involvement might have a different viewpoint ...


So my consultant chest medicine specialist and my oncologist plus physios' and a couple of GP's thrown in for good measure know nothing ????


I think you have a lot to learn my friend............I hope you dont have to learn it the way I did....

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Indeed, but as I've been saying for years, current anti-discrimination laws aren't worth the paper they're printed on IMO, cos the Government don't enforce them.

How can you be taken seriously as a defender of disabled rights when you have stated on here that you have turned work down because it would affect your benefits,you either want work or you dont ,make your mind up if you are disabled enough to avoid work fair enough but dont come moaning about not getting a job because it affects your benefits..I believe its called having your cake and eating it'I know someone who was awarded DLA and could have sat in the house living quite comfortable,he has just taken a job on the minimum wage and is slightly worse off,I asked him why ? and his reply was "because I want to work"

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So my consultant chest medicine specialist and my oncologist plus physios' and a couple of GP's thrown in for good measure know nothing ????


I think you have a lot to learn my friend............I hope you dont have to learn it the way I did....


you really aren't reading what is written are you ?


as a Health professional, who has a long term condition and works in an area where we care for people after life changing illness or injury and through their rehabilitation plus managing the long term sequalae of the illness or injury, i think i have an adequate knowledge of where the strengths of various members of the multi disciplinary team lay.

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you really aren't reading what is written are you ?


as a Health professional, who has a long term condition and works in an area where we care for people after life changing illness or injury and through their rehabilitation plus managing the long term sequalae of the illness or injury, i think i have an adequate knowledge of where the strengths of various members of the multi disciplinary team lay.


Please explain why a lot of atos decissions are overturned on appeal. Still you haven't answered the main question of wether atos so called healthcare professionals are given a bonus, for finding people fit for work. It would explain the lies, or the clever way atos staff twist the truth, to suit their medical assesment. the only way to solve the discrepancues, is for the interviews to be tape recorded. Until this is donne, i would advise anyone going for one of these interogations to secretly record the interview. Never go alone, and take a friend who is allowed to take notes. Ask the healthcare professional their medical qualifications, and if they say midwive, inform them you are not pregnant, so they have no real authority.


If u want to stop atos you can sign this petition




Forward it to as many people as possible. thank you

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ATOS have many flaws, but if they really are trying to move people off ESA regardless, they're doing a lousy job of it; barely one-third of interviewees are removed from benefit.


Whether they are doing a "good job" or not is immaterial. Your argument was predicated on there being a neutral, impartial assessor and many, many people would argue that ATOS in no way constitutes a neutral, impartial assessor.

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My consultant serves my healthcare/treatment requirements, financial matters dont come into it. A bad comparison.....try harder..;)


It isn't a comparison, it's an identity. You are arguing that because ATOS healthcare professionals are paid, they must be taking instructions from their paymasters instead of being neutral.


If that applies to ATOS healthcare professionals it applies to everybody who is paid, otherwise your argument is false.

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