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Anyone been seen by atos and kept incapacity benefit/esa?

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The problem with atos is they are not fit for purpose and neither is the computer system they rely on, how can a midwife or a nurse for that matter make decisions on some of the complex conditions that they are doing? they are simply not qualified the dwp has already made the decision to fail most of the people and atos is simply a smokescreen,

this government has targeted the vulnerable in society, disabled, pensioners, students whilst giving the higher earners a tax cut, may i just say as well i was a conservative supporter however they really have targeted the wrong people

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and to zippy

regarding Steven Hawkins he has a full time carer and because of the nature of his profession he can pick and choose his hours


he has a PA , not a carer no doubt some people would consider this an arguement of semantics and pedantry ... the only difference i can see between prof hawkins PA and many other PAs is that rather than being paid through an agency or being a direct personal employee , the university employs Prof Hawkins PAs ...


that said i know of many 'normal' people who employ their PA through a comanies - especially if they have equity in the company it's just easier from the point of view tax and NI stuff rather than being an employer yourself.


David Blunkett can afford chaffuers to get to work


ever heard of the mobility component of DLA ? or the other tconcessionary transport provision for people with disabilities ...


we do not all have full time carers or the income to pay chaffuers


but it seems plenty of people posting in this thread have little or no understanding of the benefit system they are supposedly defending ...


before you say work the ten hour job no employer in this climate would employ a disabled person when they have their pick of the labour market and a lot of firms would not be able to adapt thier premises for disabled people.


really ? so why do many people with long term conditions hold down full time jobs ?


as for adaptations , other than the workplace obligations under the disability discrimination provisions of the equality act, various clauses in Building regs for new builds or substantially altered properties ... there is of course access to work funds available ( and there will be even more when the relics of pity the cripples and their sheltered workshops are sorted out one way or the other )


to close ,enjoy your wonderful world where everything is possible and think of the people who have committed sucide due to this test.


because they believed the kind of ill informed tripe that is being put about by some people and didn't seek appropriate advice ... it's amazing isn't it how people who receive appropriate advice on these issues have so much more success than those who refuse to seek advice and post tripe ...

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I havnt got a problem with genuine cases.


It is the fact that atos lie constantly on their medical reports, CAB were allowed to look at 23 different reports, and found in 17 of them, blatant untruths, or contradictions. They also ignore genuine medical advice, 37 of their assesment centres, are inacccessible to people in wheelchairs. It is ATOS, that is the main people who commit the fraud. They also don't employ anyone with mental health trainiing, and the on-the job training takes only eight days. For each assement they recieve £40-45 per medical, the extra £5 would probably be a bonus for each person they find fit for work. Zippy probably defends atos, as he more than likely works for them

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i think caroline nay is having a go at zippys comments and does not really mean that

i hope so as that is what he seems to think that everyone is just idle and not ill at all


do you have difficulties in comprehension Juniee ?


do you have a long term condition yourself ? what about your Partner ? or your friends ?


do you have any experience of dealing with diasability rights and the benefits system as an applicant or as a professional providing advice to applicants ?


the difference is that I like many of my colleagues in health and socail care and many of the the people we first met as clients / patients and now count among our friends work from the assumption of ability and how to ensure that people can use their abilities and skills rather than from some kind of pity based presumption of inabnility and that people are somehow owed something


there has been some stunning ignorance displayed i nthis thread such as those who focus on diagnosis and what one doctor might have said many years ago , rather than the assessments made by Professionals i nthe here and now


we've also seen some stunning ignorance over the education and training of Medical Doctors and of Nurses, Physios , OTs etc ... and an assumption that a Doctor will some how be able to undertake a better assessment of activities of daily living and specific functional questions , despite the fact that they receive little or not training and education on this, because it's what nurses, physios and OTs do from day one wekk one of their pre-registration education and training .

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It is the fact that atos lie constantly on their medical reports, CAB were allowed to look at 23 different reports, and found in 17 of them, blatant untruths, or contradictions. They also ignore genuine medical advice, 37 of their assesment centres, are inacccessible to people in wheelchairs. It is ATOS, that is the main people who commit the fraud. They also don't employ anyone with mental health trainiing, and the on-the job training takes only eight days. For each assement they recieve £40-45 per medical, the extra £5 would probably be a bonus for each person they find fit for work. Zippy probably defends atos, as he more than likely works for them


as i've said before i don't work for atos at present and haven't in the past, and i'd be a fool to rule out any future employment options on the say so of randomers on an internet forum. As a Health Professional with a long term condition who works in a clinical area dealing with a different set of long term conditions, i have had a fair bit of exposure to the systems in question


as for you assertions about mental health training, that's odd because all Nurses and OTs undertake some training and placements in mental health clinical areas as part of their pre -registration education, or perhaps i'm telling lies there and didn't spend several months on placement in mental health settings as Student ... as are the student OTs who have been present when i see my OT ( who works for the mental health trust )...


it's also interesting that you feel the need to resort to attacking me personally rather than providing evidence for your assertions and accusations.

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yep Zippy works for ATOS


really? that's funny because last time i looked my contract and pay slips had the name of an NHS acute trust on them , and my volunteering agreements etc. had the name of a large First Aid, Ambulance and Youth Development charity on them .


but obviously the mighty intellects of SF know far better than people who have experience of the systems in question from all sides and have spent 15 years working in Health and social care ...

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