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Anyone been seen by atos and kept incapacity benefit/esa?

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Genuine question..does having a leg missing stop you from doing any work?


Depends on why the leg is missing. Accident ? Bone disease ? Cancer ? Degenerative condition.........the list is endless. A 'typical' case does not exist..............only in the eyes of ATOS.


Unless the person has special skills which are in demand, a one legged man has more chance of winning the lottery than finding a job in the current climate. Employers are trying to get rid of disabled employees, we are a liability. We are more likely to go sick [according to HR Depts] and cost the company money. Some disabled employees need special adaptations to their workplace [again, more costs]. It is the wrong time to persecute the disabled, but that is what Tory's do.

And yes, I do work, despite having disabilities. My job is becoming physically harder as my condition worsens. Can I find a less demanding job [mine is physical] ?? Not a chance. Who will give a job to an applicant with Lung Cancer and rheumatoid arthritis on his application form ?? I am down to part time hours now, full time being physically impossible. Under the criteria used by ATOS I am capable of work.

I am only one of thousands..........

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don't you think that most disabled people would like to work it is their condition that stop them

even on my form refusing me ESA it states can work IN THE SHORT TERM so what employer would even give me a chance

do not forget that this government has shut remploy factories that do employ the disabled

the trouble most jobs nowadays are part time short contract ones usually for an agency which means you can be stopped at any hour and told to go home at a minutes notice so the employer gets cheap labour

this is what all this is about for the tories to get rid of the minimum wage through the back door so all the share holders can get more dividends and the rich get richer on the back of the poorest people in society

there has also been a few suicides due to these cuts as they could not afford to live

unfortunately disability brings other problems things you have to buy to live as normal a life as you can

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don't you think that most disabled people would like to work it is their condition that stop them

even on my form refusing me ESA it states can work IN THE SHORT TERM so what employer would even give me a chance

do not forget that this government has shut remploy factories that do employ the disabled

the trouble most jobs nowadays are part time short contract ones usually for an agency which means you can be stopped at any hour and told to go home at a minutes notice so the employer gets cheap labour

this is what all this is about for the tories to get rid of the minimum wage through the back door so all the share holders can get more dividends and the rich get richer on the back of the poorest people in society

there has also been a few suicides due to these cuts as they could not afford to live

unfortunately disability brings other problems things you have to buy to live as normal a life as you can


Where I work they treat the agency staff like pondlife. They are sent home regularly, I have even seen them arrive before 6.0 am and get sent home before clocking on........disgraceful. Camerons Britain 2012....OK if you are rich..:rant:

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Where I work they treat the agency staff like pondlife. They are sent home regularly, I have even seen them arrive before 6.0 am and get sent home before clocking on........disgraceful. Camerons Britain 2012....OK if you are rich..:rant:




To be fair, under New Labour what you dscribed was also happening. England for many was not a wonderful uptopian exsitance - unless you had one of the plum well paid public sector jobs

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It makes me laugh that cameron's tells us all to tighten our belts, and he jets off on a jolly to america, and in reality he could have used skpye, and saved us some more money, he should practice what he preaches


Pfft... His air fare both ways was probably paid by Mr Obama... And it won't have been economy class either.

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If the figure of the fraud rate being 0.5% is correct then for 500,000 people to lose their DLA because they were receiving it fraudulently there would need to be 100million people receiving the benefit..


...but if the figure of 500,000 is correct, there would not.


Decide who you believe first, and then arrange your argument to fit? I still don't know who came up with either of those numbers, or what research they did to arrive at them.

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...but if the figure of 500,000 is correct, there would not.


Decide who you believe first, and then arrange your argument to fit? I still don't know who came up with either of those numbers, or what research they did to arrive at them.


 0.7%, or £1.1bn, of total benefit expenditure is overpaid due to fraud;

 0.8%, or £1.3bn, of total benefit expenditure is overpaid due to customer error;

 0.5%, or £0.8bn, of total benefit expenditure is overpaid due to official error.


From the dwp own's website



Have a look for yourself


500,000 to be taken off dla



again have a look for yourself.

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