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Anyone been seen by atos and kept incapacity benefit/esa?

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If you're actually disabled you've got nothing to worry about.


You mean actually disabled, like the chap in this article from just a month ago?




A man who was extremely ill, but was deemed fit to work by the assessors?


and has been told by specialists at two hospitals he would be risking his life if he went back to work....

James regularly has to travel to London for specialist medical care and has been told by professors at both Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals that he is unfit for work.


He now claims he is now in a no win situation where if he returns to work he will be risking his life.


He has been brought back to land from his job at sea twice since 2010 as a result of his condition, and each time, doctors said his life was in grave danger.


'I started claiming sick benefit because I obviously couldn't work.

After this I went for a medical at the Job Centre and failed it, but the doctor there said I was fit enough to work. At the time I could only walk with crutches.


'I was told that I would have to claim Job Seekers Allowance (JSA).

But when I went to sign up for JSA, the staff there said I was clearly not able to work so I couldn't claim.


'I didn't have a choice but to go back to sea.'


But being on his feet all the time only worsened his condition, and he went on to develop septicaemia.


After his second dash back to land, he tried to claim again, but was told the same as he was, the previous time.


'I was advised to take legal action because of the situation and we won at a tribunal.


'I was ecstatic and we also got some money backdated.'


Although the situation was resolved for a few months, Mr Major then had to go for a routine medical review which once again deemed him fit for work.


He added: 'But I failed the medical and I am now back at square one.

I now have to appeal again like the first time round.


There needs to be a change in the way the system is run because I now have the choice of either not going to work and not be able to live or go and risk dying.'


Austin Mitchell, MP for Grimsby, said the ESA assessment system is proving to be a "shambles".


He added: 'I would advise this gentleman to appeal the decision and to get in touch with me as soon as possible so that I can advise him.


'A lot of appeals against ESA are being successful, which suggests there is something wrong with the assessment system.


'The problem is that even once the ESA has been granted, people are having a long wait for the money they are entitled to.'


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Originally Posted by Forumosaurus

If you're actually disabled you've got nothing to worry about.



I rather think you need to do a little bit more research as according to the LIMA programme people in wheelchairs, people with only one arm, one leg, asbestosis, emphysema,weak hearts, are not disabled. this is why on appeal people get their money back and I forgot people with terminal cancer have been found fit for work this is well documented.

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Originally Posted by Forumosaurus

If you're actually disabled you've got nothing to worry about.



I rather think you need to do a little bit more research as according to the LIMA programme people in wheelchairs, people with only one arm, one leg, asbestosis, emphysema,weak hearts, are not disabled. this is why on appeal people get their money back and I forgot people with terminal cancer have been found fit for work this is well documented.


Are you saying that people with a limb missing are incapable of doing any work?

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Not saying that all of them cannot work

Some can and some can't

I was just stating facts that the LIMA programme is not fit for purpose

That is why it is banned in other countries

Do not think that someone with terminal cancer should be told that they are fit for work.

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You mean actually disabled, like the chap in this article from just a month ago?




A man who was extremely ill, but was deemed fit to work by the assessors?


And you've got to ask how much this ridiculous system of appeals costs. Who pays for it and who's getting rich out of it?


Another A4e type scandal.

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And you've got to ask how much this ridiculous system of appeals costs. Who pays for it and who's getting rich out of it?


Another A4e type scandal.


Well, it's certainly not the benefits claimants who are getting rich. I know of a large number of people in my own circle of disabled acquaintances, who have been put through the mill by these changes, including one person who has multiple disabilities, including heart problems, who had their benefit money stopped at the beginning of February, and it took 16 weeks, till the end of May, to get it reinstated, causing much stress, and deterioration of their condition.


They had to go to a tribunal, which they won, but there is such a backlog of appeals against the fouled-up claims, that their tribunal was not going to be heard till OCTOBER.


The Citizen's Advice Bureau managed to get an expedited hearing because of the dangers to their health had they been made to wait all that time, till October, for the hearing.

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fair enough to being assessed but there is no point in keep reassessing me as I cannot get better and there are other conditions the same where it is a pointless waste of time and money and must be costing a small fortune in the appeals and the only ones to get rich are ATOS as they continue to use the discredited LIMA programme.

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Originally Posted by Forumosaurus View Post

If you're actually disabled you've got nothing to worry about.


Sorry but you really don't have ANY concept of what's going on round you, in THE REAL world, do you?? The problem is what people are discussing, even if you are disabled, you've got a heck of a lot to worry about under this new system. I Give up, I do.

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Which part of his post has provoked your ire? Do you disagree with him saying that disability should not condemn you to a life on benefits? Do you believe that disability should condemn you to such a life?


Or are you disagreeing with his claim that some people with only one leg, or with cancer, can in fact still work? (I'd refer you again to Nimrod, who is probably the most severely disabled person out of everyone on this thread, and still does work, thus proving that it is possible.


ask yourself if Nimrod was to try and get a job with his disabillities, would he get one? the only reason he probably has a job is because he has the same one before, and he has a sympathetic employer. I don't really want to single people out anyway. I think that most people feel the atos system is a corrupt one. they often lie on the medical assesment forms, most of their decissions are corrected on appeal. In times of government cuts, the only dept, that recieves no cuts is atos

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