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Anyone been seen by atos and kept incapacity benefit/esa?

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Seem to be clutching at straws to find something to disagree with in my post.

ESA 200£ fortnight

DLA varies wildly

Housing benefit 400£ a month for individuals who can't work?

If we're including folks with loads of kids as well I reckon 300£ is a fairly low figure.

Go read chem1sts thread on citizens income. It makes far more sense and would be much fairer.


(my bold) Good Lord! only for those with a robdog for a landlord! My house is housing association, and they are quite dear compared to the council, and I only pay £80 a week for this! (when I moved in 9 years ago from my council house, I was paying £50 a week for the council, and this place was half as much again, more at £72.

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(my bold) Good Lord! only for those with a robdog for a landlord! My house is housing association, and they are quite dear compared to the council, and I only pay £80 a week for this! (when I moved in 9 years ago from my council house, I was paying £50 a week for the council, and this place was half as much again, more at £72.




Have a scroll down that page. And then stop being silly.

Housing benefit is a scam to keep the poor from owning their own houses and keep the greedy landlords and property tycoons in business.

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Chomsky's an anarchist. That involves complete removal of central government. If that happened, where would the DLA and ESA fortnightly bank giros come from?

Disabled people are being slapped by the hand that feeds them pretty hard(as are many other groups) but let's not forget it is the same hand that does actually feed them.


I beieve he is on record as saying that the classical anarchist position, quite different from the slogans leads directly to support for people facing problems today: for enforcement of health and safety regulation, provision of national health insurance and support systems for people who need them, etc. He holds that anarchism is not a sufficient condition for organizing for a different and better future, but it is a necessary condition


Who will pay ESA? Well that will not exist in it's present form and on the trajectory of taking us Back to The Future of XIXth Century Britain.


Read him up - there are many pages that highlight his writings. But he is one of the giants of intellectual thought around today that many non-intellectuals can immediately grasp. His comments have a relevance to all the posts on this Forum on the complaints, struggles, fights, bureaucracy, mismanagement, corruption, inefficiency, stealing, bone-headness arising out of local and national Government

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I beieve he is on record as saying that the classical anarchist position, quite different from the slogans leads directly to support for people facing problems today: for enforcement of health and safety regulation, provision of national health insurance and support systems for people who need them, etc. He holds that anarchism is not a sufficient condition for organizing for a different and better future, but it is a necessary


Anarchy, by its very definition, means "no organisation."

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Anarchy, by its very definition, means "no organisation."


At the risk of going a bit off topic...


Most people I reckon would broadly agree that there are at least two kinds of organisation. There is the kind which is forced on you, the kind which is run from above, and there is the kind which is run from below, which can't force you to do anything, and which you are free to join or free to leave alone.


I would suggest to you that the anarchists are people who want to transform all kinds of human organisation into the kind of purely voluntary association where people can pull out and start one of their own if they don't like it.


It doesn't mean that you abdicate any responsibility towards helping those less fortunate, less able than yourself. Anarchism is not a free for all mass scramble to grab what you can and b****r the rest.

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I would suggest to you that the anarchists are people who want to transform all kinds of human organisation into the kind of purely voluntary association where people can pull out and start one of their own if they don't like it.


In which case they are not anarchists. Anarchy, by definition, means no organisation.

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My mom has to go see these people next week. After what we've just been through family wise she's in no fit state to work, she's also in her mid 50s with issues.


I know for sure i'm going with her to ATOS, so what happens when the year is up, if you're still on ESA? What do you get then? Are you suppose to live on air?


(and for the record, I do work part-time in order to look after my mom) *cooking etc*

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I know for sure i'm going with her to ATOS, so what happens when the year is up, if you're still on ESA?


There is no time limit on how long you be in receipt of ESA.


Contribution-based ESA, if you are in the work-related activity group, is limited to 365 days, but you would, if you have no other income, then go into income-based ESA. If you're in the support group, the question is moot.

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There is no time limit on how long you be in receipt of ESA.


Contribution-based ESA, if you are in the work-related activity group, is limited to 365 days, but you would, if you have no other income, then go into income-based ESA. If you're in the support group, the question is moot.


My mom is on income-based. Thanks for that, you've put my mind (and her mind at ease). Now to deal with ATOS next week, if they refuse by god I'll be filling in that paperwork for her.

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