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Anyone been seen by atos and kept incapacity benefit/esa?

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could you please realise that not every disability is visual such as chronic asthama heart conditions lung disease even a person with a false leg who has trousers on will at first sight not look disabled

the flaw with this atos is that they are just taking people off willy nilly without considering that a lot of people would like to go back to work but do need additonal help which is not being offered on this system

we have a strange system now where the young cannot find a job but this goverment keeps raising the pension age surely it would be simpler to let everyone who wants to retire at 60 have thier pension which by the way a lot of us have paid into, which would allow the youngsters to have their jobs but no these rulers have decided find all the disabled fit to work but then shut the factories who would have employed them. can you spot the idiocy of this policy?

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Hi, don`t have any issues of what people are saying,but i know someone who has started to do this job,and he has told me that they start to assess you as soon as you make your entrance to the building.They apparentley watch all your movements of your arms etc,like watching if you scratch your head or something,as they are watching your movements,and its all to do with the length of time you can sit in one place, or if you can get up to a toilet unaided and back again.For example your in a wheelchair from no fault of your own,but you can sit for twenty minutes in a chair,then get up un aided, go to toilet and back get youself seated,then they decide you can work,they dont care how much pain your in.This is not my interpretation of it it`s what my mate says is the facts,not that he agrees at all,but he has to go down the check lists they have.sorry if its boring but thats just what he told me.

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Hi, don`t have any issues of what people are saying,but i know someone who has started to do this job,and he has told me that they start to assess you as soon as you make your entrance to the building.They apparentley watch all your movements of your arms etc,like watching if you scratch your head or something,as they are watching your movements,and its all to do with the length of time you can sit in one place, or if you can get up to a toilet unaided and back again.For example your in a wheelchair from no fault of your own,but you can sit for twenty minutes in a chair,then get up un aided, go to toilet and back get youself seated,then they decide you can work,they dont care how much pain your in.This is not my interpretation of it it`s what my mate says is the facts,not that he agrees at all,but he has to go down the check lists they have.sorry if its boring but thats just what he told me.


If this is true and I have no reason not to believe it then surely there is some law/medical regulation that prohibits ANY medical professional from examining/assessing a patient without their knowledge.


It's certainly not ethical in my mind.

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If this is true and I have no reason not to believe it then surely there is some law/medical regulation that prohibits ANY medical professional from examining/assessing a patient without their knowledge.


How could such a law exist, given that many of the people who most need medical examination are incapable of knowledge of anything because they're unconscious?

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there is a portion of the PIP that takes into account mental health problems


I`m well aware of the fact. My post was in response to Sedith`s comments in post 67 (who does not seem to be aware that mental illness is also a disability )

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How could such a law exist, given that many of the people who most need medical examination are incapable of knowledge of anything because they're unconscious?


One would assume that emergency care would have exemption.


I should have thought about that point but at 1:30am I was a little tired and maybe didn't think about that bit, however I simply meant at times when the patient is very much concious and lucid.

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One would assume that emergency care would have exemption.


I should have thought about that point but at 1:30am I was a little tired and maybe didn't think about that bit, however I simply meant at times when the patient is very much concious and lucid.


You might be able to argue a case for medical examination not to take place in those circumstances; but you would, surely, agree that in order to catch people who are faking their illness or disability, it's necessary to watch them when they aren't aware of it?

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could you please let us know how you can fake a bad heart, asthma, lung disease, terminal cancer, cerebral palsy, downs syndrome

you will always get a small percentage of cheats in any system but could you please let us all know what is the point of people being assessed and re-assed when they have incurable illnesses

awaiting your answers with great anticipation

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