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Yorkshire Water Disgrace

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Just got my new bill, £360 for a 3 bed, I'd like to know now Darth Vader has a bill for twice that much for a 2 bed... Must be a mistake surely.


Just got my bill in for the next year, seems I overestimated as it is only £264 for the year (8 instalments of £33 compared to £32.40 last year)



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To Darth Vader:


Where in Sheffield do you live? To be paying almost £60 a month, you must be somewhere where the old rateable value (pre 1990) of your house is very high.


When we moved to Sheffield just before 2000, the flat that we rented was charged at £45 a month for water - this was in Ranmoor (no idea how much it would be now). We then bought a house in Crookes and were charged about £35 a month - this went up year by year to approx £40 in 2005. We then moved to a house with a water meter - 2 adults, 2 young kids - we're currently paying £29 a month.


We do try to save a bit of water but nothing that hurts us - for example - our dishwasher uses 17 litres per wash - will take about 4 sink loads of dishes. We have a low water use toilet - 3 litres per flush (or 6 if you think that the jobbie's a stubborn one) - only put that in in November so will expect a reduction in our bill next year. Just have a normal shower rather than a power shower. Don't leave the tap running for brushing teeth.


If I was you, I'd seriously look at installing a meter - you can trial it for 12 months and then go back to conventional billing if it isn't for you.



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