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Advice on what to do with my dogs please


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at least you are trying to sort the problem out

unlike some people when they let their dogs off

& they do things like this they either laugh about it

or can't see what the problem is

so good on you for trying to resolve the problem

i'm sure you will get there in the end

i would say try recall training with a whistle but there a

treat at the end of it so i'm sorry ive no ideas i will

leave it up to these guys :)

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Just a point of view from the other side of things, would it be possible to train your dogs to come back using dog owners that are willing to let your gsd's go up to them. I only say this because I had 2 labs come up to mu dog and chase her and the owner had no control over them and now my dog has never been the same when I am out walking it really shook her up. The lady with the 2 labs had no control over them and I am not sure how i would feel if someone let 2 dogs chase my dog then walk in the other direction. Hope this makes sense.

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Thankyou pure enough. I do try and do think I have two good dogs. Be even better when bonnie stops this behaviour. I've been letting her carry the frisby and all has been well on walks. Marley goes to other dogs says hello and has a sniff and I call him and he comes back. Bonnie just trots at side of me with frisby in her mouth lol. So this is how it will have to be. I don't know anyone that'd let me practice this on other dogs and to be fair it wouldn't be right on the other dogs really would it like you said it could effect them. Ill suss it eventually I will not give up.

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I helped a lady out on here a while ago who wanted 'stooge' dogs to give her the opportunity to use her training methods on her dog who was learning to ignore other dogs. My cocker was one of the 'stooges' and they ended up happily sniffin alongside eachother on a long walk.


If you change your mind, Bella my one year old great dane would be good for you to meet with your dogs. shes well socialised and likes other dogs and has been around her mum, skye, who is aggressive sometimes to other dogs so she has gornw up with a boistrous dog.


The lady before had had a behaviourist work with her dog and knew exactly what she wanted me to do so if you find a method that will get the right outcome for you (and not back fire) I will happily bring Bella along to help you. I wonder if a dog bigger than yours may help too (although bella thinks she is a cocker like alice.)

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I helped a lady out on here a while ago who wanted 'stooge' dogs to give her the opportunity to use her training methods on her dog who was learning to ignore other dogs. My cocker was one of the 'stooges' and they ended up happily sniffin alongside eachother on a long walk.


Having stoodge dogs has been essential in training my dog not to be aggressive to others.


I found a long line is good as they can have free movement but you can stop them quickly before they get any speed up at the start of the dash! This means the stoodge is left completely unworried as they never have any contact and your dog never learns that it is acceptable to run at the other dog.


Stoodge dogs are also great for walking with on lead and learning to ignore when on lead and in close contact. I had my dog muzzled as well as he was quite nasty and I have never wanted to take any risks. I am happy to bring D to do on lead stoodge training. We have been there so know what it is like! We have everything cracked now apart from when the other dog is ball chasing (and one lurcher that he dislikes) ...D reads it wrong and thinks it means chase me which can scare the other dog so I have to look out for owners throwing balls otherwise he chases their dog and it goes into the behaviour you have described your doing.


Ask a trainer for advise and go from there :)

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i helped a lady out on here a while ago who wanted 'stooge' dogs to give her the opportunity to use her training methods on her dog who was learning to ignore other dogs. My cocker was one of the 'stooges' and they ended up happily sniffin alongside eachother on a long walk.


If you change your mind, bella my one year old great dane would be good for you to meet with your dogs. Shes well socialised and likes other dogs and has been around her mum, skye, who is aggressive sometimes to other dogs so she has gornw up with a boistrous dog.


The lady before had had a behaviourist work with her dog and knew exactly what she wanted me to do so if you find a method that will get the right outcome for you (and not back fire) i will happily bring bella along to help you. I wonder if a dog bigger than yours may help too (although bella thinks she is a cocker like alice.)


this is the thing thoughi wouldnt have a clue where to start with how to stop her doing it. Marley is okay but when they run up to a dog together it looks awful. Advise on how to stop it is what i needed but ended up just using the frisby so it doesnt happen at all but i didnt want to have to have her carry this on every single walk.


I can shout and shout till im blue in the face bonnie only comes back when she is ready when she is chasing the dogs and if marley joins in to it just drives me crazy.


Sorry bout the capitals only just realised lol

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I think it would be beneficial for you to seek advice from a behaviourist and then practise the techniques they give you to overcome it yourself.


Good luck with it. It will probably be a slow process but worth it.

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