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Singing Lady about to be deported

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send her and all the others back to where they came from instead of scrounging off our taxpayers!


She never claimed any benefits or begged for money, so please research before you make comments like this.

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No. That happens in big tabloid-based "kick xxxx out" campaigns where the Home Office is bound by rules that some don't like and believe exceptions should be made because of their religious/political affilliations.



What *seems* to be the case, or to have prompted discussion, is a decision being made based on applications not being received in time due to a clerical error on the Government's part


Now, if we say "doesn't matter, rules is rules and time ran out no matter what the cause of delay" than do we also stand partly in support of the Massacre at Glencoe which was in retribution for a delay in receiving an oath despite the delay being caused by the Government.


Well it *seems* to be the case if you believe the family and friends, but it doesn't *seem* to be the case if you believe the Home Office. There are too many emotions caught up in this thread, and I choose to believe neither, just take the facts as presented.


She applied for a temporary work visa under the "Highly Skilled Migrant Programme at a time of teacher shortages in the UK" we are told, a shortage which no longer exists. Repeated visa applications have been rejected we are also told, presumably because the basis on which her original visa was granted no longer exist.


These are the facts that lead me to think that it *seems* that the Home Office are performing their duty correctly.

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Hello there everyone I'm the lady's daughter in law, thank you so much to those of you who said such kind words, she is the most kindest lady you will ever meet, in a nutshell, she was asked to come over here from the government to teach such as english, RE etc, which she has done an excellent job, all her pupils love her, but just to let everyone know she has never been on public funds I am supporting her along with her son Sam, let me tell you we have it easy over here everything's handed to us on a plate compared to Jamaica, we have a schools paid for (except uni) over in Jamaica they have to pay for everything there are no such public funds, everything gwen has achieved she's done by herself with now help at all until this happened which is when me and her son stepped in, she is a great assert to the community everyone loves her that knows her, thank you to you all for your support I really appreciate it, to those who have called her who are quick to run your mouth etc seriously grow up and have some respect you probably do not have better things to do in you're lives which is a shame :)


Could you surreptitiously remove the strings from her guitar whilst she's sleeping please Hales? Support for her application to stay would then have almost universal approval :)

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Is there a petition to sign?, as others have said she is just an easy target for UKBA


On the wider question, I think Nl's unplanned mass imigration policy was a mistake, it has put massive pressure on resources, schools, affected wages, etc, it also means that now people fleeing from monsters like Joseph Kony have a much more difficult time gaining asylum due to hardening public attitudes towards immigration as a result of the above.

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She is harmless and fun and brightens up the town centre!


Can anyone start one of those Facebook group things and get people to join and sign to keep her here and support her? I've only seen her a few times but she made me smile on every occasion.


What do you all think?



https://www.facebook.com/groups/349248671785781/ as you wished

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She is harmless and fun and brightens up the town centre!


Can anyone start one of those Facebook group things and get people to join and sign to keep her here and support her? I've only seen her a few times but she made me smile on every occasion.


What do you all think?



https://www.facebook.com/groups/349248671785781/ as you wished


earlier on in the thread there are links to a petition and also to a saveoursheffieldsinginglady facebook thingy.

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I have genuinely laughed at some of these comments, particularly the ones that complain that she's an "easy target" as if that is some justification to allow her to stay.


FACT: She was here as part of a migrant worker programme visa. This visa is no longer valid and hasn't been since she stopped working in 2005, at which point she should have left the country as per terms of the aforementioned visa.


FACT: She has made numerous applications to stay permanently in the UK, all of which have been rejected


FACT: Without a valid visa foreign nationals from outside the EU are not allowed to stay in the UK. Those that stay after a visa expires are classed as illegally overstaying in contravention of UK law.


It's clear that she should be, as the law dictates, deported. If you start bending the rules because "she's a nice lady who does no harm" then you start setting dangerous prescendants for future cases, eventually which could culminate in our border laws being un-enforcable.

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as she would say THANK GOD for that. cant stand her or any of the other god bothering types who want to try and ram their fairy tale religions down your throat.


I am an athiest and find any opinion about a god ridiculous to say the least however that is not the point. She does no harm. All she does all day is sing at people. There are poeple I would seriously like to silence for appaling music such as Justin Bieber. However singing at people is not a crime and besides which shes harmless and brightens up our city.


I have signed the petition and I encourage others to do so.

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I am an athiest and find any opinion about a god ridiculous to say the least however that is not the point. She does no harm. All she does all day is sing at people. There are poeple I would seriously like to silence for appaling music such as Justin Bieber. However singing at people is not a crime and besides which shes harmless and brightens up our city.


I have signed the petition and I encourage others to do so.


No one has said singing is not a crime. No one has said she doesn't brighten up some people's day. For someone who has signed the petition you seem to be massively missing the point of all this

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