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Singing Lady about to be deported

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Hello there everyone I'm the lady's daughter in law, thank you so much to those of you who said such kind words, she is the most kindest lady you will ever meet, in a nutshell, she was asked to come over here from the government to teach such as english, RE etc, which she has done an excellent job, all her pupils love her, but just to let everyone know she has never been on public funds I am supporting her along with her son Sam, let me tell you we have it easy over here everything's handed to us on a plate compared to Jamaica, we have a schools paid for (except uni) over in Jamaica they have to pay for everything there are no such public funds, everything gwen has achieved she's done by herself with now help at all until this happened which is when me and her son stepped in, she is a great assert to the community everyone loves her that knows her, thank you to you all for your support I really appreciate it, to those who have called her who are quick to run your mouth etc seriously grow up and have some respect you probably do not have better things to do in you're lives which is a shame :)



Sadly it matters not if she is the Virgin Mary or Mother Terasa. If due process has been followed, appeals lodged and fair hearings held and the outcome is still negative, then the Lady will have to go, it's the law of the land.



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Sadly it matters not if she is the Virgin Mary or Mother Terasa. If due process has been followed, appeals lodged and fair hearings held and the outcome is still negative, then the Lady will have to go, it's the law of the land.




Angel, the law of the land being followed is an important principle with which I agree. However the law of whose land? We can't deport degenerate criminals and terrorists because fatcat judges in Strasbourg have decided it would breach their "human rights". So the known Jordanian terrorist can stay with expensive police protection. It's too hard to trace and deport the Kosovan gangster who disappears into the black economy to traffic women as sex slaves. Too difficult to identify the militant islamist Somalian plotting jihad against us. Too resource intensive to track the Polish rapist, the Romanian organised criminal gang member or the Serbian armed robber.


So we pick on good honest people who have contributed and not drained our country and who have not hidden as they are an easy target so the overall numbers look like we are doing something. Is this applying the law? Is this keeping us safe? Or is it a total failure to keep out the scum we do not want here being masked by throwing out people who are perfectly pleasant to have around because they are easy targets?


If we're going to advocate zero tollerance on even technical breaches of immigration law lets start with the scum shall we, not the honest and decent?

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Just because someone is mildly eccentric and sings about God on Fargate, it doesn't mean they are above the law.


Coming to the UK to work on a Visa doesn't automatically mean you can come here for life. Visas have end dates, that can be extended under special circumstances, but it's not a green light to live here for the rest of your life, or some sort of golden ticket to guarantee that you'll have a job for the duration of the Visa either.


Reading between the lines, her Visa expired in 2005, and she's been here on borrowed time since then. This would suggest she hasn't been able to work in a school or anywhere since then, hence the daily appearance on Fargate.


There were also rumours of her being unemployable due to her refusal to teach anything against her beliefs, such as other faiths in RE classes and Darwinism in Science classes, but this can't be substantiated.


Like all these cases - remember the girl from X Factor a few years ago? - you'll get a lot of spin from the supporters of said person, when the only other party that knows all the facts, the Home Office, can't say anything in retort due to it being a legal matter.

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Angel, the law of the land being followed is an important principle with which I agree. However the law of whose land? We can't deport degenerate criminals and terrorists because fatcat judges in Strasbourg have decided it would breach their "human rights". So the known Jordanian terrorist can stay with expensive police protection. It's too hard to trace and deport the Kosovan gangster who disappears into the black economy to traffic women as sex slaves. Too difficult to identify the militant islamist Somalian plotting jihad against us. Too resource intensive to track the Polish rapist, the Romanian organised criminal gang member or the Serbian armed robber.


So we pick on good honest people who have contributed and not drained our country and who have not hidden as they are an easy target so the overall numbers look like we are doing something. Is this applying the law? Is this keeping us safe? Or is it a total failure to keep out the scum we do not want here being masked by throwing out people who are perfectly pleasant to have around because they are easy targets?


If we're going to advocate zero tollerance on even technical breaches of immigration law lets start with the scum shall we, not the honest and decent?


So to all the do-gooders we say 'no you can stay even though you dont meet criteria/procedures havent been followed etc.....because we are only interested in deporting those who have caused trouble'.


Dont be so silly! Good or bad. If the results is against you then goodbye! Its not about having compassion its about common sense. We cant keep letting people stay who have broke the rules. Why do you you think all the asylum seekers come here?! Its because they know our rules are soft as poop! We need to be stronger and send the word we wont be crapped on anymore like other countries do!!!

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Just a point. I understand she's not claiming benefits as she's not entitled to them at the moment from replies on here. If she isn't deported, is she entitled to claim benefits?[/quote


No she won't be able to for a long time after she got her stay, she wants to return to work to support her self and also to be able to buy things for her grandchildren etc as of course shes not been able to

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So to all the do-gooders we say 'no you can stay even though you dont meet criteria/procedures havent been followed etc.....because we are only interested in deporting those who have caused trouble'.


Dont be so silly! Good or bad. If the results is against you then goodbye! Its not about having compassion its about common sense. We cant keep letting people stay who have broke the rules. Why do you you think all the asylum seekers come here?! Its because they know our rules are soft as poop! We need to be stronger and send the word we wont be crapped on anymore like other countries do!!!


Quick questionaire.


As a British born citizen would you like the Home Office to focus on deporting?


1) Foreign rapists

2) Foreign murderers

3) Foreign terrorists

4) Foreign muggers

5) Foreign benefit cheats

6) Foreign shoplifting gangs

7) All of the above

8 ) Foreign people we asked to come here, did lots of good work, didn't claim any benefits, got sent the wrong form, but are easy to catch so while the rapists, murderers, terrorists,shoplifting gangs, muggers and benefit cheats will all still be here and posing a threat to your families health and wealth at least we can say we are "doing something" about immigration?

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