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Singing Lady about to be deported

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Sadly it matters not if she is the Virgin Mary or Mother Terasa. If due process has been followed, appeals lodged and fair hearings held and the outcome is still negative, then the Lady will have to go, it's the law of the land.




I understand what your saying but its not over until it's over, if it was your fam ion through it wouldn't you fight to the end?

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I read the first page of this thread, not bothered to read any more because of the amount of people jumping on the back of this woman. You don't even know her. She was a teacher and has taught at something like 20 schools. She was brought over I believe for the lack of people turning to Religious Studies in education


She taught RE in my school, and she is one of the kindest people on the planet. She understands people as individuals and has a lot of time for people. Ignorance is all too common these days.


Just because she sings and shows what she's all about doesn't allow people to start saying "send her back"... You are just as bad as the numerous racist people ordering everybody except white from the UK. I am athiest and I'm sure I always will be... But when somebody comes to my house and would like to talk about their interest, which in this case would be religion.


I have all the time in the world and I will put my point across as much as they put theirs across. I have even invited two people into my house for a cup of tea and a chat because in my opinion, it's the right thing to do. Just because you aren't relgious doesn't mean you can judge her. :|



End of rant. :gag:

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I read the first page of this thread, not bothered to read any more because of the amount of people jumping on the back of this woman. You don't even know her. She was a teacher and has taught at something like 20 schools. She was brought over I believe for the lack of people turning to Religious Studies in education


She taught RE in my school, and she is one of the kindest people on the planet. She understands people as individuals and has a lot of time for people. Ignorance is all too common these days.


Just because she sings and shows what she's all about doesn't allow people to start saying "send her back"... You are just as bad as the numerous racist people ordering everybody except white from the UK. I am athiest and I'm sure I always will be... But when somebody comes to my house and would like to talk about their interest, which in this case would be religion.


I have all the time in the world and I will put my point across as much as they put theirs across. I have even invited two people into my house for a cup of tea and a chat because in my opinion, it's the right thing to do. Just because you aren't relgious doesn't mean you can judge her. :|



End of rant. :gag:


Religion has nothing to do with it, im sure she isnt being sent back because of her religious beliefs :loopy:

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I didn't say/mean that's why she's being sent back. I'm saying that people seem to be judging her on her religious beliefs.


She's being sent back because she didn't renew her application for her Visa in time. I just want everybody to stop judging faster than they can say hello to her.

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Some explaination about the 'wrong form' might be useful; as far as I am aware it isn't the responsibility of the Home Office to make sure they send you the right form, but it is your responsibility to send them the right form.


If you send them the wrong form, they tell you as such. If your visa has expired in the time it takes for them to process the form, realise it is the wrong one and send you a new one, that is the risk you take for not being prepared properly.


From the policy documents of the Border Agency (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/policyandlaw/modernised/applications/specified-forms-procedures.pdf?view=Binary):


You must exercise discretion if the UK Border Agency sent an applicant or representative

the wrong version of an application form or guidance notes and this led to the applicant:


 completing the wrong form, or

 incorrectly completing a mandatory section of a form, or

 not submitting the correct supporting documentation.


In these cases, you must not reject the application as invalid but it may be necessary to

request further information before deciding the application


So sending in the wrong form doesn't cause grounds for deportation on its own.


Might be worth reading this: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/workingintheuk/hsmpjudicialreview.pdf

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Some explaination about the 'wrong form' might be useful; as far as I am aware it isn't the responsibility of the Home Office to make sure they send you the right form, but it is your responsibility to send them the right form.


If you send them the wrong form, they tell you as such. If your visa has expired in the time it takes for them to process the form, realise it is the wrong one and send you a new one, that is the risk you take for not being prepared properly.


From the policy documents of the Border Agency (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/policyandlaw/modernised/applications/specified-forms-procedures.pdf?view=Binary):


You must exercise discretion if the UK Border Agency sent an applicant or representative

the wrong version of an application form or guidance notes and this led to the applicant:


 completing the wrong form, or

 incorrectly completing a mandatory section of a form, or

 not submitting the correct supporting documentation.


In these cases, you must not reject the application as invalid but it may be necessary to

request further information before deciding the application


So sending in the wrong form doesn't cause grounds for deportation on its own.


Might be worth reading this: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/workingintheuk/hsmpjudicialreview.pdf


It was actually them who sent the wrong form and they also admitted thy sent the wrong form so what they did was send her a correct form and then they rejected saying it was late when it actually wasn't!! Since then they have been telling er to do this that n other which she's done and just robbed her blind, she had a meeting with them in 2010 and they said if she fills out this certain application shed most likely be fine, this application was an unusual one that is only given out to certain applicants, the fact is they lead her to believe shed get through and they've just taken her money and slammed the door in her face!!! And now she's ring held like She's the one at fault when it's them

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So to all the do-gooders we say 'no you can stay even though you dont meet criteria/procedures havent been followed etc.....because we are only interested in deporting those who have caused trouble'.


Dont be so silly! Good or bad. If the results is against you then goodbye! Its not about having compassion its about common sense. We cant keep letting people stay who have broke the rules. Why do you you think all the asylum seekers come here?! Its because they know our rules are soft as poop! We need to be stronger and send the word we wont be crapped on anymore like other countries do!!!

The lass who sings sends me daft when she gets warbling on The tram but apart from that she is a Sheffield character who would be missed.

What i can not understand is how come all the Russian billionaires and American movie stars can live here as long as they NEED to. No problem, but a woman who claims no benefits and whose family live and work in our country is deemed to be an alien.

It must mean that money talks and this being the case then the system stinks.

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