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Singing Lady about to be deported

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A smart, coherent, considered response to the point at hand. You do realise it's much easier to shout "send her back" and "racist" though don't you?


I'm confused about what it is she is doing for a living. While she may not be directly claiming benefit, she can't be paying council tax or national insurance contributions while she is staying here with the support of her local church group so it isn't just a simple case of "she's not costing us anything so leave her alone". Was she looking for work when she was removed to a deportation centre? The article leaves a lot out.


Finaly somebody who actually asks a question lol, I'm her daughter in law who is supporting her, she has had several job offers which shes turned down as she's not allowed to look for work until she has her paperwork sorted out therefore she has been looking after my children while I work part time and her son (my husband) is in full time work also, the situation she is in is no fault of her own it is he home office as they have been leading her to believe if she does these applications shed get through which they have kept turning down for no actual reason so our appeals we have been making they have been saying do this application and you'll be fine and it's just them being awkward, there is a pending application in process which they have asked her to do in court!!!! But we're having trouble getting updates as they refuse to speak to us

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Mod note: Thread reopened after cleaning up some bickering and offensive posts. Please stay on-topic, be sensitive and remember there are members of Ms Roomes' family on this thread.

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So you are saying she has not worked since 2005 because she entertains people.:loopy:.

Maybe 50% of the uk population should stand in town centres singing instead of seeking jobs.:roll:.

Thanks for the update though I never knew we had aproximately 30 million out of work.


I'm her daughter in law, she's not worked since 2005 because the home office have messed thins up big time so I have been supporting her while she's not been working and been trying tomwork things out, i was working full time until 2009 when I had my first child and then went part time and then I had my 2 nd child, she was having them whilst I was working, her son however my husband has always worked full time!!

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The article made no sense to me that is exactly what I was thinking why the hell would the government invite her over, and deport her? It really makes no sense plus what skills. So confused at that tbqh :confused::loopy::huh::suspect:


I'm her daughter in law, in 2002 we had a major shortage of supply teachers and they were searching overseas, they came across gwen and her reputation and asked her if she would come over to each anywhere in the uk!! She's been in schools all over Sheffield and Doncaster, then in 2005 when she was to renew her visa they sent he the wrong form which she wouldn't have known about and since then they have been awful, I'll tell you the teachers over here do not know how to treat their students gwen has made a difference in everybody's life she has touched if you asked anybody who knows her no one can say a bad thing about her,

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She did work and seems a nice lady, her permit has expired she should leave, She has lived off other people since 2005 one way or another.

I would be more than happy if this lady had been allowed to stay but am not happy at the thousand it is costing to get her out of the country since 2005.

Let her go home and appeal from there.


Why u so angry you've spent no money in her no one has except her family n it's our choice if we want to spend that

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This is something I was trying to understand in a post I made yesterday (and requoted at 7:42 this morning).


Although it is not totally clear from the link in the OP, I think she is applying for leave to remain indefinitely, ie she is not after another "allowed to work in the country for a defined period" visa. However, as i said, it is not clear.


If she has the right to remain, I still do not know what, if any, benefit she will be due. Presumably as she has only paid a small amount of tax and NI, during the short period she was working in the UK, this may limit any rights to benefits. I do not know what her situation would be. Similarly, once she is living here she would presumably be entitled to access to a free NHS, for example - or would she? I honestly don't know.


Also, she might not have received any direct financial benefits over the last few years, but she appears to have benefitted from the right to appeal the decisions that she must leave. As a result, there has been a cost to the Home Office in managing these appeals, reviewing her case, offering evidence etc.


If all she wants is to be with her family, paid for by them as at present, is she able to apply for a series of visitors visas on the basis that they are providing for her?


If she was granted her stay she would have to start from scratch!! She'd have to get a job and work her way up from there, she's wanting to support herself and her family, of she was to go back to Jamaica she won't be able to work as she's reached their retirement age so we would have to support her from there which would be way more expensive, the way the home office is acting whether she can come and visit is most likely not an option!!!

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Well if her visa has run out and she is not getting any benefits then she must have been unlawfully working because she cannot work legally without a current visa.If she has a legal right to stay here then that's fine but if she has no legal right to be here then deport her.


That is not true I'm her daughter in law she's been living with me until they took her from us, I have been supporting her along with my husband who's her son of course!!

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