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Singing Lady about to be deported

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Oh her.....the annoying one who sings with the guitar:loopy: she gave me a headache the last time i heard her in town and on the bus preaching about god.......And it's took them all this time to decide to deport her? No offence meant to her or her family but if she is not on any benefits what is the problem? Another **** up by the government. Just :gag: her from singing and stop her playing her guitar please:hihi:

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How come it takes years to deport rapists and murderers because of their human rights? But because of a paperwork **** up she is chucked in nick.


It's stupid, it's just a way for them to be able to get figures to crow about with deportations by going for easy targets and ignoring the people it actually is in our interests to deport.


Dead right.


Let's face it she is an easy mark isn't she? She's not in hiding, she hasn't done a bunk, she's not working in the hidden economy she's wondering the streets singing. Everyone knows where she is so when UKBA need a collar it's much easier to pick her up than an illegal worker and less likely to cause trouble than rounding up some firebrand terrorist supporting preacher.

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I don't care if she is religious.


She sings in a joyous voice and has perked me up many a time when other people (probably some of those who have responded above) have been really miserable and brough my mood down with them.


I think there needs to be more people like her in Sheffield. :thumbsup:

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She sounds like a nice lady but she is here illegally so send her home, reading the article she should have been deported years ago, these cases drag out for far to long, close the detention centres send them back immediately and let them appeal the decission from their own country.

I wish this lady all the best in the future but not here.

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I suppose the law is the law. If people want her to be able to stay then it would take a change in immigration law, not just leniency toward one woman because she's cheery.


As for the comment about us needing good teachers - there are plenty of out-of-work British teachers.


However, I do agree that there are surely many, many more people at the front of the deportation queue before her.

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I think there are a lot of points that aren't clear.


If she had the correct form in the first place, would she have been allowed to stay? Maybe we no longer needed extra teachers.


What is she wanting to do now? Is it to have another visa for a period to allow her to work, then she will go back home, or is it to be allowed to stay indefinitely?


If she is allowed to stay (on whatever basis it is), and she fails to get a job or doesn't want one, who will then pay for her upkeep?


If she stays indefinitely, and presumably retires here in a few years, how will she survive? Who will pay for her housing, food, clothing etc? Will the NHS be responsible for her health care?

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As for the question about how she is surviving without benefits or a job, I believe members of her church are helping her out - looking out for one another, helping those less fortunate etc. One of the nicer sides of religion and sadly missed by many who post on here.


Amen to that, Sir - no pun intended.

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She is harmless and fun and brightens up the town centre!


Can anyone start one of those Facebook group things and get people to join and sign to keep her here and support her? I've only seen her a few times but she made me smile on every occasion.


What do you all think?


In paragraph one of the story she is awaiting deportation. In paragraph two she's facing extradition!

Nick Ward, news reporter. Does he think it's the same thing?

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