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Singing Lady about to be deported

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send her and all the others back to where they came from instead of scrounging off our taxpayers!


Did you see miss bit :


She has worked at about 20 Sheffield schools, but has not been allowed to teach since her visa expired and cannot claim benefits.


from the article?

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"her visa has expired and repeated applications to stay have been rejected. "


Ergo, she is an illegal imigrant and must be deported. End of argument.


She speaks English she does not claim benefits shes a Cristian and as far as i know she does charity work so what the problem?

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Leave the lass alone she is a Sheffield star.

It seems to me that if you are a Russian billionaire who has stolen all your country's assets then you can buy up half of London you can stay as long as you like or even an Argentinian footballer etc, But there again this lass has only a guitar.

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send her and all the others back to where they came from instead of scrounging off our taxpayers!


You are obviously not a bright spark are you??? People who do not have their indefinite leave to remain are not allowed any such benefits!! How do I know?? I'm her daughter in law thank you very much, have you ever met her? You obviously haven't. Me and her son are supporting her through this difficult time so why don't you get off your high horse and have some respect for people, get a life you miserable person

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Hello there everyone I'm the lady's daughter in law, thank you so much to those of you who said such kind words, she is the most kindest lady you will ever meet, in a nutshell, she was asked to come over here from the government to teach such as english, RE etc, which she has done an excellent job, all her pupils love her, but just to let everyone know she has never been on public funds I am supporting her along with her son Sam, let me tell you we have it easy over here everything's handed to us on a plate compared to Jamaica, we have a schools paid for (except uni) over in Jamaica they have to pay for everything there are no such public funds, everything gwen has achieved she's done by herself with now help at all until this happened which is when me and her son stepped in, she is a great assert to the community everyone loves her that knows her, thank you to you all for your support I really appreciate it, to those who have called her who are quick to run your mouth etc seriously grow up and have some respect you probably do not have better things to do in you're lives which is a shame :)

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"her visa has expired and repeated applications to stay have been rejected. "


Ergo, she is an illegal imigrant and must be deported. End of argument.


She is not an illegal immigrant as the home office has allowed her to make diff applications that her family have helped to support her for, if she was illegal shed hav been locked up!! Do some research you idiot

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Kick out terrorists? YES! Kick out serious criminals? YES!


This lady has made me smile when I|'ve seen her outside boots on my lunch break. She has worked just as hard as any British person, for the last seven years, not sponged, she has earned the right to stay here in my humble little opinion.

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