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Where Is Everyone Goin New Years Eve???


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Originally posted by PINGU

Come to think of it, I did see a guy with make up on like yours (no, not a tranny) in Fuel last saturday. Couldn't decide if he had been cryin or that was how the make up was supposed to be.

I swear I only looked twice! (Checks skin for leatheryness).

Does 35 count as middle aged?


I'll get me coat.


I don't wear that makeup all the time ya silly sod. :lol: That was taken at halloween a couple of months ago. :D Just a one-off because of the event.


Fuel was great last night by the way. Got very drunk and had a great laugh. No creepy buggers staring. :D


I think I'm still drunk tbh! :gag:

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Originally posted by Pauly

That was taken at halloween a couple of months ago.



Hey you cheeky sod, I know when halloween is!


It's ok Pauly, lots of boys wear make up these days.


Ok. I really will get me coat this time.............................



Edit: Just to keep things on track, I will be at Fuel or with friends in another city. Not sure I can handle the 12 o'clock snog fest. That's obviously assuming anybody would want to kiss me. Look it happened once, it could happen again. people get drunk, things happen.

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All you lucky people going out New years eve, I will be at home studying ready for a photo shoot on New years day I will be out and about round ladybower dam at 06:00am I need some early morning photos then over the woodhead thats if it is not blocked with snow. To do somemore photos of the other dams at the manchester side. mind you it does help that I cant drink anymore as my drinking days are finnished so I wont be proping the bar up in the fat cat or the bankers draft or the dove and rainbow oh how I miss going for 2 gallons of real ale.

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