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London rioting scum

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Unless you were wearing a concrete glove, you're never going to face a murder charge for one punch. I'm surprised the CPS brought it; it would not have stuck.


You can, I believe, get a life sentence for manslaughter (you can get a life sentence for GBH if it's bad enough), but whether he will or not? I do not know. Given the aggravated circumstances I wouldn't rule it out.

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It's lucky that even a manslaughter charge stuck: The one punch problem. I doubt a murder charge would ever have seen court had he not plead guilty to manslaughter.


The average sentence for similar crimes looks to be 3 to 4 years. I'd expect this guy will get 6 to 7 given the circumstances. It should be a lot longer considering that his presence in the area was with intent to cause trouble and the efforts that were made to conceal his involvement afterwards.

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I don't understand people who argue with a life for a life.


OK, don't murder the murderer but if someone punches somebody else and that person dies, why should the person who killed them ever be able to walk the streets and enjoy life?


Similarly, if the victim is left with life changing injuries meaning they can no longer lead a normal life the only sensible punishment is for the perpetrator to die in prison.

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