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Will i still have a criminal record.


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I wanted to run a pub a few years ago and I went to the cop shop in town to ask for a licence,as you I had been done for drinking under age a few times a long time ago when I was a lad,they had a record on me that went back 35 years and they did not want to grant me a pub licence at all, I ended up having to go to Telford to get a licence, they do seem to keep records for some things in the past,

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I was 16 and drinking in the Truro pub with Ray Morgan when two blokes in suits pulled me and asked me to go outside, Ray thought they were gays and trying to pull me so came outside and had a go at them, it turned out they were plain clothed coppers one was called DC Grace and he asked me for my name and address so I gave him my pals who I knew.

I cleverly thought I had got away with it and about 18 months later a bloke rugby tackled me walking past the old Crown Court house, yep you've got it it was detective constable Grace he dragged me into court and then a cell and later in the day I was fined the princelly sum of £4.

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I was in the bridge pub down Heely in the back room having a pint when a well known copper called Kennedy spotted me in the back room and made a b line for me being only 16 at the time, I shot out of the back door and into the yard,there was a wall and a 15 foot drop into the river sheafe at the back,the water was freezing cold and smelly as I ran through the river and under the bridge to hide out of the way,Kennedy shouted I know were you live and I will be waiting for you boyo (he was a Welch copper) and sure enough when I got home he was sat in our house with my Dad drinking tea, I got a £5 fine and a thick ear from my Dad still went in the same pub the next day for a pint though.

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I was wondering whether or not the landlord of the ark,would also get fined for selling to people under age.As the couple who kept the ark at that time were probably Harry and Nancy Crawley,old friends of mine,always kept in touch,both are gone now,Nancy passed away last year in her hometown of Darwin ,Lancs.clydesdale

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Criminal records last a lifetime but most minor offences are considered spent after about 15 years and don't need to be declared for most purposes but still need to be written on an application for some jobs and stuff...


I had a full set of whiskers at 14 and was, like a lot of youngsters, welcomed into the back room of the Robin Hood and Little John near the northern station in Newark.

By the age of 16 I could drink anywhere and never had any bother from cops or landlords.

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Criminal records last a lifetime but most minor offences are considered spent after about 15 years and don't need to be declared for most purposes but still need to be written on an application for some jobs and stuff...


I had a full set of whiskers at 14 and was, like a lot of youngsters, welcomed into the back room of the Robin Hood and Little John near the northern station in Newark.

By the age of 16 I could drink anywhere and never had any bother from cops or landlords.


I used to be wiewolf but I'm alright NOWOOWOOWOOWOOOOOO.

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