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Olympics sadness

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The Islam defenders will be along shortly to shout hypocrisy at western outrage at this by pointing out the lack of women in board-rooms and male/female pay discrepancies etc, like that really compares :rolleyes:



according to the coke a cola commercials - it seems that all the participants in the games will be 'of non caucasion decent'.


Who is going to kick up a stink about that on behalf of all the whities?

anyone? anyone?


(can anyone else say 'troll'? hahahahahahahahahah)

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what about the uk and us government backing president Karzi in Afghanistan? he has passed a law that forbids women to walk in broad daylight on the streets without a man being present!!. and we are pouring billions to keep him in government!!. thats something we can do something about, withdraw the troops and cut off the money and get the hell out of there.

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Im by no mean political but i heard about this in the news today.


I find it really sad in the 21st century that women still arent classed as equal :(




The logical answer to the question is simply, not every other Country in this world uphold OUR beliefs and ideals. Why should the Olympics be any different. A second class citizen is second class even in Olympic year. Maybe we should invade all the Countries that class women as "second class" and then install our ideals on them, AKA Afghanistan. LOL:hihi:



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The logical answer to the question is simply, not every other Country in this world uphold OUR beliefs and ideals. Why should the Olympics be any different. A second class citizen is second class even in Olympic year. Maybe we should invade all the Countries that class women as "second class" and then install our ideals on them, AKA Afghanistan. LOL:hihi:




I'm not up for all out war but we should be putting more political pressure on countries that tolerate inequality and have terrible human rights records. shame no one at the top will do what is right instead of.what is profitable.

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