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Israel tests new bunker buster

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We will just be bombing Iran no ground troops, re evidence, either they let the inspection teams in or we nuke em.


Dont be nieve, these people hate us. Bomb them now or bomb them later, its going to happen. If it doesnt they will develop thier bomb and they are crazy enough to use it.


oh dear , some people never learn do they?


guess the "liars" can only recycle old lies to push further wars!

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guess the "liars" can only recycle old lies to push further wars!


Were all those wars based on lies or dodgy evidence? I'm not sure we went into these places on lies. Its worth remembering that people aren't stupid, and not blind either to your awesome hypocrisy; lying is what Islam is all about.


The Prophet said, "War is deceit."

Hadith 4:269

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Were all those wars based on lies or dodgy evidence? I'm not sure we went into these places on lies. Its worth remembering that people aren't stupid, and not blind either to your awesome hypocrisy; lying is what Islam is all about.


The Prophet said, "War is deceit."

Hadith 4:269


and we all know who the best liars are!


Iraq war part 1, lies ( American congress told Saddam killing babies in incubators )


Vietnam war started over a LIE! gulf of Tonkin NOW adamantly never took place .

I could really go on all day , but i find that people like yourself with the blinkers on find facts hard to digest. Any way im not a Muslim , I’m a Jew, one of those real ones which are hard to find nowadays.

Care to divulge your faith? Or is trying to slanders others believes your only profession?

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I think there is evidence they are developing facilities that will allow them to devlop Nuclear Weapons.


If we bomb them now they wont be able to build one.






You are aware that war with Iran would mean the end of our British economy?


Or is that a ok price to pay to make sure the Israeli state keeps its dominant nuclear position in the region?


sacrifice the UK wellbeing for the sake of Israel?

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You are aware that war with Iran would mean the end of our British economy?


Or is that a ok price to pay to make sure the Israeli state keeps its dominant nuclear position in the region?


sacrifice the UK wellbeing for the sake of Israel?


The first and second world war both "ruined the british economy" it didnt stop us taking on the forces of darkness. Nor should this, if Iran develops a nuke, the the Saudis will shadow them as will the Emirates and others. This lot are daft enough to use them.


If they do, then any damage to the british economy will appear a mere blip compared to the damage done to the whole world.

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The first and second world war both "ruined the british economy" it didnt stop us taking on the forces of darkness. Nor should this, if Iran develops a nuke, the the Saudis will shadow them as will the Emirates and others. This lot are daft enough to use them.


the anti Israel crowd just ignores this. The Saudis, the Gulf states and probably Egypt and Turkey too will suddenly want to develop their own nuclear weapons if Iran gets one.


and yet none of them have ever even hinted at wanting to go nuclear, just because Israel has. They're not threatened by a nuclear Israel. But they ARE threatened by a nuclear Iran.

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I think the point is that to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, the Israelis must undertake a pre-emptive strike against existing nuclear facilities, in contravention of international law. This will only retard Iranian nuclear weapons development by a few more years. Only an all out occupational war and regime change will stop them from developing deeper, harder bunkers in which to create their bombs. State sponsored assassinations of Iranian scientists will only harden their resolve to do so.


Given that the Israelis already have quite a large nuclear arsenal (for a country a tenth the size of this one), and the Iranian regime is well aware that the doctrine of mutually assured destruction only being workable if both sides have nuclear weapons, put yourself in the Iranian position and ask yourself if you'd want the H-Bomb.


Alternatively, ask yourself how Iran would benefit from launching a nuclear strike on Israel, and the second holiest site in Islam?


Of course, I think the temperature could be lowered if Israel declared the open secrets that Dimona is not just a nuclear power research reactor and that they are in possession of over 100 nuclear warheads with delivery capabilitites. In short, recant their dubious and illegal position of nuclear ambiguity.


Where you have one nuclear tipped nation, you will inevitably find another one in diametric opposition. An Unsatisfactory Solution.

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I know, subtle wasn’t it until BBC news blew ‘his’ cover a few days ago with a piece about the Dome.

I had wondered for some time how many 'internet soldiers' there are within this forum.


BBC blew his cover? Link please? Is he Chief of PR for Israel?


As for illegal nuclear sites, Israel's is far more illegal than Iran's as Iran allow inspections to all areas where Nuclear inspectors have agreement to go. (IAEA does not have authority to visit military sites so Parchin doesn't count).


Israel on the other hand refuses to sign up to the NPT and does not allow inspections.

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