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Israel tests new bunker buster

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the silly western old-school anti-Israel leftist doctrine doesn't work anymore after the Arab Spring. You should have realised the left doctrine was never going to work in the Middle East. You rather stupidly naive boys and girls are going to have to go back to the drawing board, and come up with something else.


have fun with your constructions. We'll be waiting to shoot you down in flames.

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Forget the niceties, admit the inspectors by 1st May. If not blast em.


And if Israel have to go it alone then what ?


No USA or UK behind them, you still think they will do it ?


You think if they Nuke Iran preemptively some other nation like China or Russia won't give Iran Nukes to do what they wish with ?


I would not have one drop of UK blood spilt in the middle east again after all these other wars we got blagged into if it was up to me. I hope others feel the same.


If Israel want to do it then I look forward to watching how it pans out on the TV as long as we stay out of it.

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Guess what, after Iraq and Afghanistan and all the other stuff we get pulled into, the wool quite reach over the eyes like it used to.


If you want to have it out with Iran then get your dockers on and get yourself a flight over, but leave us alone eh ?


When we see smoke we will know its started, when your crying for help we will know it didn't go to well.

The only difference being that this one you will have brought upon yourself.

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carry on ignoring the fundamental point if you want.


Go on then, what's the fundamental point?


That pre-emptive strikes by Israel have not been approved by the USA?


Or that pre-emptive strikes by Israel will not stop the development of an Iranian bomb, and nor will the assassination program, if anything they will strengthen Iranian resolve.


Or that Osirak wasn't fuelled or running when it was destroyed?


Or is it that Kermit Roosevelt has a lot to answer for?

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the fundamental point is that none of the major powers of the Middle East (Saudi/Egypt/Turkey) have been threatened by Israel in the 40 years Israel has been nuclear capable in the same way as they are now, by Iran getting that way. Ask yourself why this so.


I would suggest that it's because they know all too well that unlike Israel, Iran is an unstable, irrational and unpredicatable theocratic dictatorship keen to flex its muscles in the region and far too dangerous to countenance them having nuclear weapons.

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carry on ignoring the fundamental point if you want.


the Turks, Egyptians, the Saudis and the other Gulf states, weren't all that bothered about Israel getting nuclear weapons 40 years ago. They might have been a bit annoyed about it because it looked to them that it looked like Israel was so far ahead of them in the technology, but they didn't see it as any mortal threat.


when Saddam was developing nuclear weapons, Israel took the country of which he has a dictator of, Iraq, out.


they totally destroyed Saddam's and Iraq's nuclear capability, to the delight of the Iranians, who had tried to carried this task out before, and failed.


but now the tables have changed over and here in 2012, it's the Arabs and also the Turks, who see that it's not Israel, but Iran and the Shia Persians as the mortal threat.


You make my point far more eloquently than I am capable of. Those who seek to rationalise the Iranian position place themselves in the same position as Chamberlain in the 30s.


If we dont act soon it will be too late and the whole world could suffer from a substantial nuclear exchange.

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it's precisely because the Saudis know Israel isn't going to be in the business of nuking anybody that they're not that bothered about Israel being a nuclear power compared to Iran. With Iran, they're really concerned about it.


and before anybody starts with all that nonsense about Iran not invading anybody for 250 years and what a peace-loving non-aggressive country they are, people in the Middle East, not just Israel, know different.


They invaded Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War (being invaded first doesn't neccessarily make it right to invade yourself, later). They what amounted to invading Lebanon through their proxy Hezbollah. They have proxies in Iraq, and Afghanistan, too. In fact anywhere in the world where there are Shia Muslims, Iran can be expected to look after them - including arming and funding militant groups. They support an oppressive regime in Syria. They threatened to bomb Turkey. And they always threaten to destroy Israel. So they don't qualify as a poor victim nation that doesn't threaten anybody. On the contrary, if they acquire nukes, their bullying in the region will increase. Everyone in the Middle East knows this - not just Israel, but Iraq, the Saudis, Turkey and Egypt etc too.

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