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Moving to Sheffield on 01/05/2012

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Hi everyone!


I'm a 44 year old single man who will be completely starting again by moving to Sheffield around about the beginning of May. I originally come from London but have lived in Plymouth for the last 8 years - largely because my post graduation finances did not allow me to leave. I have debated moving for a couple of years now but following a bereavement have decided to give my job up to be closer to family who live in the Leeds area. I've been to Sheffield a few times and have found it to be really friendly.


I'm expecting a bit of a 'WTF??!!' reaction to this: I am moving up without a job because I have found that it is almost impossible to land a new job unless you live in the area; I have also been unsuccessfull at interview stage a couple of times. I'm also faced with having to start my new life in a homeless hostel because of the old no job= nowhere to live vice versa catch 22 but am determined to make a success of the venture.


I know this approach may offend certain sensibilities but I have thought about this for a while and would like to welcome any helpful suggestions people may have about how to generally get started from this fairly bleak starting point. The obvious 'Can't your sister put you up?' won't apply as she is currently up to her neck in postgraduate study. I won't be telling her of my move until I am reasonably settled as it would really worry her. I do know however that she would be thrilled to have me living closer as would my niece and nephew. I have found the South West beautiful in it's appearance but fairly cold in it's relationships and feel that I need to do this now or regret if for the rest of my life.


Please regard this as a serious post because it is.



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Maybe put a few calls out to agencies. Get some casual work here and there with the agency whilst you find your feet. Usually process you pretty quickly as long as your not work shy and happy to do anything.


Will be tough first few months but gives you the chance to explore Sheffield, Jobs, places to live etc

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Good for you and what an adventure! What type of work are you hoping for? What did you do for a living down south?

I think what you are doing is really brave although it is the risk takers in life who seem to make a go of every oppertunity presented to them. Good luck and let us know how you get on!


Welcome to Sheffield in advance! :)

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Welcome to the North @themanfrom we are all friendly t`up North the South is beautiful but very expensive. I agree the job situation is bad everywhere but just because you are not from the North does not mean you won`t find work. I wish you all the luck in the world with your new life up here I hope you are successful. :):thumbsup::D

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Welcome :-)


I moved here from the Midlands in 1994 when I came to Uni, and I stayed here because I love it. Those who have bad things to say about the town and the people need to spend some quality time in Birmingham lol!


What sort of work are you looking for?

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Hi and welcome (in advance) :)


Sorry about your bereavement that has made you decide to leave part of your life behind, but well done on being so brave as to start again miles away from what you know. I'm sure things will be hard for you the first few months, but with determination I'm sure it will all work out, good luck xx :D

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