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Moving to Sheffield on 01/05/2012

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It took me a month longer than expected but I handed in my notice to day and I move to Sheffield on June 6th. Had notification of a PPI payout last week which is gonna make things a lot easier. Thanks for the support.I'll keep you all posted.

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why not look in the flats to let/shared houses on this forum? when we moved back here 2 years ago I did that for my eldest son and got him a place to move up to, he also wasnt working at the time and also moved up from devon!

Good Luck with it all.

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Good luck mate, ive been here for a while now, and have had the option of moving away, but never wanted to. As far as cities go, its a pretty good one in my opinion, better than Manchester and Leeds for sure.


As far as networking goes, i personally found football a good way of meeting new friends etc, also the forums. There is loads to do here to keep you busy and entertained, transport is pretty good also, its not a mad maze to learn your way around, although if your driving into the city centre, it can get a bit confuddling.


All the best to you sir. I hope you enjoy your adventure!

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Wishing you all the very best - personally as someone that has always lived in Sheffield I think its a great place to live - we have everything - as must have my Dad who came to England in the 50s travelled the length of it and then made Sheffield his home in the 60s.

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Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement. That in itself is extremely helpful. I have quoted DerbyTup in full as I wish to address all the points they have raised:


I graduated from Plymouth University in 2006 aged 39. I went there as a mature student who thought that University would change their life and new a couple of people down there. Due to having dyspraxia I found it very difficult to work in my final year and ran up debts which had to be paid off. I stayed in Plymouth to try and find work and eventually ended up with the local council. The job provided some stability and security which enabled me to travel between Plymouth and London on a regular basis whilst my Mum's health slowly deteriorated - I did not want to move back to London due to the expense and the feeling that the move would not be permanent. When Mum passed away I decided that I wanted to be closer to my Sister. Things have however become complicated since my Mum died and I have opted for Sheffield as I could never wish for my Sister to put me up, nor would I want to bump into her whilst I am enduring the tricky couple of initial months. I want to move to a nearby city (and believe me when you have often travelled 350 miles to be with someone 40 miles away is vitually on their doorstep.) whilst maintaining complete autonomy and independence. Sometimes relationships run smoother when you're not staying the night and the prospect of being able to pop in for a couple of hours is something we have discussed and suits us both.


My most recent experience is in customer services. I will also be able to go up with a bit of money and can probably afford to live in B&B's for a little while, but would prefer a hostel as it would prove cheaper. I have been living in a shared house down here since graduating so am not giving much up.


I hope this answers the points you have raised, Derby Tup.


You shouldnt have to justify yourself to anyone. Its nobodys business why you want to move to Sheffield! People can graduate at any age I imagine and peoples personal finances are nothing to do with anyone else.

I wish you good luck in your move and job search. I have lived in Sheffield most of my life apart from a brief period working in Cornwall when younger. I would recommend Sheffield to anyone. I think its is a lovely city and we have beautiful countryside on our doorstep the Peak District (if you like countryside). People are friendly and while there are a lot of run down and not so pleasant areas (arent there in all big cities!) theres lots of nice areas and we are known for our nice parks. I hope you are happy here. :)

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Thanks for the support. I've made provisional arrangements to view a property in Glencoe Road (near Granville Road) This Saturday. The day return is gonna cost apx £120 plus I'll be securing the property with a bond. Is this area and proposition worth the money and 10 hour round trip from Plymouth?


I'd like a couple of quick answers as I have a fairly cheap rail price on hold at the mo. Don't want to commit if it's gonna be dodgy.



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