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Old Hospital Pomona Street


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Seems a bit strange to me , to be honest ! I went to Pomona St. school in the late '40's ----early '50's and it had always been a school , I think . I remember the old Pomona Street pretty well but I can't think where there could have been a hospital .

However ! I don't know when Rabone Chesterman's was built and if you go back to the 19th. century , maybe there was a hospital on that site ?

Good luck in your search and I would be genuinely interested to find out IF a hospital was once situated on the ,"Old Pomona ' !

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Yes Porter Croft school, that is on Pomona Street was definatley

a Hospital but I dont know any info about it,

The School was called Pomona Street years ago.

I used to work at Rabone Chestermans Before it became Norwich Union, Im sure the date is still on the archway stating when it was built I will have a look on Monday on my way to work. :thumbsup:

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Stellstar ,


Thanks for your info.

A genuine surprise about the hospital; I wonder if the school was a hospital , temporarily , perhaps ? In the 1st. or even 2 nd. World War ?

The reason I ask that is the architecture of Pomona St. School was identical , I think , to a lot of schools that were all built in the late 19th. century ; so I imagine it was built originally as a school , at any rate .

Also , I was there forabout 4 years and we lived nearby but I can't recall anybody referring to the school as once being a hospital -------but if it had been a long time previous to 1950 , maybe even the locals had forgotten !

Do you remember Chesterman's hooter ? It used to go off at about 3 minutes to 1 p.m to warn the staff to , "clock on" or come out of The Prince or Rising Sun , maybe ?

Apropos of nothing -----we used to play marbles , after school , in that little space between Chesterman's and the school . I think it's still there now-----after 55 years !

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Originally posted by Fareast

we used to play marbles , after school , in that little space between Chesterman's and the school . I think it's still there now-----after 55 years !


There is a gap between the buildings, but it's now a Norwich Union car park! ;)


I agree with the comments about the school building; it certainly does resemble many other schools of that period, and I'm pretty sure it would have been built as such.


Try having a look on http://www.picturesheffield.co.uk , there is a photo of the old Rising Sun and the Rabone Chesterman building from years ago!

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When the terraced houses next to the Old Pomona were demolished, the Old Pomona was left untouched for a time. In the side wall was found a wooden door behind the paneling in the pub. This once had been a door to the orchard and had been bricked over and hidden by the property next door.

The figure of a clergiman (circa 1700s was seen from time to time making its way from the bar area and through the wall at the point where the door was. A good local was the Old Pomona and I enjoyed the pleasure of the very last pint served there before it was closed and demolished.

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Kristian ,


Thanks for info.

We actually used to use the heavy metal , "slabs " for the marble games . The sewer blokes had to prise them open to descend into the depths . The handle they used formed a sort of hollow with a hand-grip across the middle . Our game , was to roll a marble each towards the hole . The one who got nearest would then roll all the marbles and start trying to flick them in the hole . If he got one in he had another go .......and so on . Then we would go in order of who had been next nearest .....and so on . I wonder if they still play it the same now ? Or if anyone still plays marbles on the street at 8 and 9 years of age .

To be more exact about where we played -------as you walked down Pomona on the right , the school would be on your right , of course , and as you got to the end of the school wall , there was a little gap of about 4 or 5 feet , with the metal slab and then Chesterman's building would begin .

Anyone who went to Pomona in those days will remember Messrs. Wragg , and Renshaw and Miss Havenhand and the dreaded Miss Lofthouse -----also the shale football pitch behind the school which was murder on the knees -----and the ball always going in the River Porter !

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I wonder if this helps. I believe that the Jarrow March passed through Sheffield, and Pomona Street School was used as an aid and rest centre for the marchers, treating sore feet etc and feeding them. Does that ring any bells with anyone?

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I used to work at Rabones and would often go to the Rising Sun for a drink at lunchtime, as soon as the hooter went off there would be a mad dash to get back to work on time.

Im still not sure when the school was used as a Hospital though,

Im going to have a browse at pictures that Kristian mentioned.

Thanks for your help everyone.


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