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Old Hospital Pomona Street


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Originally posted by stellstar

I used to work at Rabones and would often go to the Rising Sun for a drink at lunchtime, as soon as the hooter went off there would be a mad dash to get back to work on time.

Im still not sure when the school was used as a Hospital though,

Im going to have a browse at pictures that Kristian mentioned.

Thanks for your help everyone.


Following up my comment, have a look for pictures indexed under 'marches' as well.


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Found some more info by teaching staff at Porter Croft School,

you are right it was built as a school first then used as an Hospital.

Im intrigued now so Im going to look at the links that you have provided.

Keep posting if you have any more info though cos Im really interested in this subject.


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In WW1, the nearby Teacher Training College on Ecclesall Road (and along Collegiate Crescent ?!) was used as a Base Hospital, mentioned here .


It seems possible that the school was used for the convalescence of patients from there. I would guess the school, being the closest to the College would already have had close links to it in peace time.


The college was also used as a hospital in WW2 judging by the reference to Belgian refugees on this page



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I can't find an Agnes Square, though other people know the area better than me. It may be the name for a group of houses within a street, too small to appear on the maps.


Can you tell us your Grandmother's name and any other information you have about her that may help to find her?



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There used to be an ,'Angus Square ' just off Summerfield Street , very near the Ecclesall Road end i.e. near the bottom of Pomona Street .

I would guess that disappeared in the early '60's , maybe even earlier . It sounds as if it could be a mix-up or a variation on ,'Agnes Square '

Just for the record , nearby , there was Soho Street , a cul-de-sac , with a church at the end ; Davy Lane which ran between Harrow St. and Renton St. , which themselves ran between Ecclesall Road and Napier St .The Earl Grey pub stood at the corner of Ecclesall Road and either Renton or Harrow Streets . Can't remember which now !

A good few of my pals from Pomona St. School lived in that little area -------the river , Middleton's Fish and chip shop and a fair few pubs ----------nice area ! All car show rooms or computer Houses now , I believe .

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Many thanks. The 'Agnes Square' could be the 'Angus Square. I got the name from the 1901 Cencus. Following the count in other streets around this is the area.

My Grandmother name of Ada Hazel is down a the owner of a sweet shop. The Daughter of Mrs. Hazel (widow) the head of the family.

She later in 1901 married my Grandfather Aurthur Barron. They had a sweet shop on Netherthorpe Road. Not sure if this is the one mentioned in the cencus.

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From White's 1919/20 Directory...


31 Netherthorpe Place

BARRON Arthur Edwd confectionr


Angus Square is listed under Summerfield St, but only a chimney sweep makes it into the street directory.


Arthur was listed here also in 1911 - Directory on-line at the historical directories site


Going back to the 1901 Directory (on the same site), Mrs Ada HAZEL is listed at the same address!


Picture s18257 at PictureSheffield claims to include no. 31. (put the ref in the bottom space, just above the search button).



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