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Hit a pot hole and damged my tyre , need advise

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There are plenty of pot holes around, but what size must it be to damage a wheel and tyre?


I'd say it would have to be fairly substantial and visible, so perhaps the driver wasn't paying attention, or has a pretty lousy weak car!


If pot holes were as damaging as people say then everyone in Sheffield would have damage.




Oh dear, can of worms opened...............


The state of the roads needs looking at regardless of little or big the potholes are. A big pot hole will get poorly repaired and in the mean time a smaller pot hole gets larger with wear and tear on the roads.


Japan after a tsunami can repair its roads within a week and Sheffield after a flood still hasn't repaired its roads 5 years on.

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? Maybe the driver was focusing of the road ahead rather than two feet in front of his car. jb


At some point the pothole would have been more than 2 feet in front of the driver..why didn't he see it then?..in your hypothetical case of course.. :) I agree the roads should be in better condition but how often do you expect the council to check them? If the OP's father had told them about the hole when he saw it maybe something would have been done about it..

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At some point the pothole would have been more than 2 feet in front of the driver..why didn't he see it then?..

I don't know, I sure you can come up with a number of valid reasons why a pot hole might not be seen until it is too late to avoid.

I agree the roads should be in better condition but how often do you expect the council to check them? If the OP's father had told them about the hole when he saw it maybe something would have been done about it..

Which is what I said umpteen posts ago.



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Maybe it was a night? Maybe to avoid the pot hole could have led to an accident? Maybe the pothole was full of water and didn't look very deep? Maybe the pot hole was round a blend bend? Maybe the driver was focusing of the road ahead rather than two feet in front of his car. Maybe the roads should be in a good enough condition such that you can travel down them with out causing any damage to your car (with the caveat that you are within the speed limit as this is deemed the maximum safe speed for the road)?

Maybe the wear and tear on cars in Sheffield caused by the poor road conditions is greater than in other cities in the UK?

Maybe your post was jam packed of ill informed drivel?




And considering you can't back up any of that with anything but "maybe", you seem to be the one spouting drivel.

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And considering you can't back up any of that with anything but "maybe", you seem to be the one spouting drivel.


Whereas you witnessed the whole thing so will be able to back up your statement... no wait you weren't there, you just like to immediately jump to the conclusion the driver is a crap driver or drives a crap car.



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Whereas you witnessed the whole thing so will be able to back up your statement... no wait you weren't there, you just like to immediately jump to the conclusion the driver is a crap driver or drives a crap car.





Nope, I just put forward alternatives to how the damage occurred. I have not slated the OP in any way and patiently wait for him to respond to my alternatives to clarify the situation.


All without name calling or insults. You should try it sometime.

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Nope, I just put forward alternatives to how the damage occurred. I have not slated the OP in any way and patiently wait for him to respond to my alternatives to clarify the situation.


All without name calling or insults. You should try it sometime.


However would we function here in Sheffield without your expert input??

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i suspect 90% of folks claiming they damaged tyres or wheels in pot holes actually hit curbs or went off the road. They then spend hours driving round looking for a pot hole to blame it on.


You don't have to spend hours looking for a pot hole in Sheffield.

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However would we function here in Sheffield without your expert input??


And surprise surprise here's another one who attacks the poster rather than the post. Still bitter over our last "battle" on some thread or another that you feel the need to carry it onto here? :rolleyes:

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