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Hit a pot hole and damged my tyre , need advise

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And surprise surprise here's another one who attacks the poster rather than the post. Still bitter over our last "battle" on some thread or another that you feel the need to carry it onto here? :rolleyes:


Nah........just after a bite..........................thanks ace.

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There are plenty of pot holes around, but what size must it be to damage a wheel and tyre?


I'd say it would have to be fairly substantial and visible, so perhaps the driver wasn't paying attention, or has a pretty lousy weak car!


If pot holes were as damaging as people say then everyone in Sheffield would have damage.




Oh dear, can of worms opened...............


i dont think so clever dick , it was dark and there audi wheels:loopy:

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hi ive hit a massive pothole in dec in dronfield ive rung the council up and they said get 2 quotes and a picture of my tyre and the pot hole , the day after i reported it i took the pic but they had filled it , the thing has split my tyre right round , ive only just got a reply back saying because the pot hole was never reported before i hit it so they cant offer me any comp , my dad said the pothole was there 2 weeks , now ive got a £150 tyre bill that i cant afford , ill have to go 2nd hand:(


A hole in the road destroyed the tyre?

How fast were you going?

All high speed roads are sound, they are patroled by the police and other agencies who report bad defects.

Are you sure it wasnt the kerb you hit?

Just a suggestion, but in the dark it is possible.

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